The beautiful Tuolumne River can be found in the state of California, in the United States. Where it rises in the central Sierra Nevada in Yosemite National Park. It is the biggest of the Tuolumne River’s numerous waterfalls. The lovely river flows westward through the foothills to its confluence with the San Joaquin River in the Central Valley, near Modesto. The section of the river begins immediately below Tuolumne Meadows and finishes just shy of Hetch Hetchy Valley. That is known as the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne.
As a result, for a distance of around thirty-three miles, the riverbed creates a magnificent staircase. This is followed by a sequence of breathtaking waterwheel falls. Maybe the greatest of these is the 800-foot Waterwheel Falls, the largest waterfall on the Tuolumne River. In the Waterwheel Falls, the river dashes down a slanted surface and comes into a series of small ledges, initiating the water to deflect away from the rock surface in great arches, similar to waterwheels.
Moreover, during the high-water season (in early summer), columns or waterwheels of water can rise 15 to 20 feet high. Strong gusts of wind can lift some of the spray and blow it back up, causing it to rejoin the falls over the ledge, giving the falls their name. A memorial for a family that lost their lives in this area in 2017 due to a flash flood may be found not far from the water wheel.
Water Wheel Falls is a popular summer swimming hole and refreshing oasis. Most visitors head right to the falls, but if you are willing to travel a little further, you will find other cascades and swimming holes away from the throng. If you have basic trekking skills, you may go on to Ellison Falls, which has a stunning waterfall and a swimming hole with clear, cold water; it is a must-see if you are in the area!
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Source:Â Wikipedia