Sleeping and Waking: How We Should Be Sleeping
Undoubtedly, the most loved and desired need today is sleep, which is due to several reasons for different people. Some people see it as a form of recharge and healing from all of the work done throughout the day. Others love it because it’s an “escape” from the world’s problems. However, the majority forget the importance of waking up at the best time possible.
Waking up at the right time of day is just as important as the amount of sleep you need every night. Therefore, it is also wise to calculate the best time to wake. First, however, there are a few things you need to know about sleep.
What Happens When We Sleep?
Before getting to know more about the best time to wake up, it would be good to know what exactly you are getting yourself into in terms of sleep. Sleep may seem like a simple, one-stage practice, but it’s more complicated than you think. There are two categories of sleep: non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM). The NREM sleep stage itself is pretty complicated as well.
We have the “transitory” stage within this NREM, where we attempt to sleep. Unfortunately, this stage is also the easiest to wake someone up. A good example would be students who doze off in class or adults who feel drowsy in bed. This is, of course, because breathing and heart rates slow down significantly.
The following stages continually slow down the heart rate and breathing. In addition to these, sleep spindles occur during the second stage. These help individuals remember all of the information gathered throughout the day, which is very important for students and corporate workers alike. As you transition to the latter stages of non-rapid eye movement, you now have moderate sleep with no muscle or eye movement.
The final stage is when rapid eye movement happens as one starts to dream. Despite being practically paralyzed, my heart rate, breathing, and brain activity all go up. Coincidentally, these are what cause the typical dream or nightmare to occur.
The stages usually last for 90 minutes each, and your goal is to achieve at least five cycles a night. However, you want to wake up at the perfect time, specifically in the earlier stages. As a result, you will receive all of the energy you need to get through the day. However, waking up during REM is why most of us feel dizzy or even confused when we wake up.

How many hours?
Another important factor in sleep is the number of hours per person, and this greatly varies due to multiple things. Age alone determines sleep times. Newborns and toddlers need to sleep for at least ten hours. As they grow older, seven to nine hours is the best amount of time.
Despite this, some people are energetic even with only six hours of sleep. Other factors, such as lifestyle, health, and medical conditions, influence your hours as well. In reality, the only thing that matters is that you reach those five cycles every night.
However, five cycles per night would take 7.5 hours of sleep. For example, those sleeping at 9:30 at night should wake up at five in the morning. Those who need to travel to work need to sleep earlier to make room for breakfast, bathing, and traveling. Nonetheless, these are merely guides, as sleeping hours are different per person.
What could make sleep better?
Sleeping is made more accessible and comfortable by using different rituals and routines. It is best to follow one, as a regular sleep schedule is essential—things like drinking warm tea and meditating help extensively. However, a necessary part of sleeping is in the mattresses we use.
It shouldn’t surprise anyone as to why beds are essential. After all, you will spend an entire night on the cushions. Other parts of your bed, like the pillows and comforters you use, are also important. Naturally, you want something perfect for yourself. For example, those with back problems should avoid incredibly soft cushions. Fortunately, some beds offer a robust support system and ideal comfort. Aside from cushions, there are now things called sleep calculators.
These sleep calculators compute the best amount of sleep for you. Consequently, these also calculate the best time for you to wake up. Essentially, they do this by following the sleep stages, and they are known to wake people up in the earlier stages. The calculators seem to adjust your sleep cycle based on lifestyles and conditions, which could be an asset for people who intend on following a routine.
How do consistency and commitment help?
Nevertheless, one crucial factor matters more than any pillow or calculator. This, of course, is the person sleeping. As many know, a good amount of sleep feels good, but it’s easy to abuse. When this is abused, it affects us physically, and the long-term effects are undesirable.
In any case, a big part of sleeping or waking up is our consistency and commitment to a schedule. As there is a specific style of sleep and several hours to follow, one should follow this system to stay healthy and energetic every morning.
Sleep is meant not only for relief but also to give us energy for many things. It could be something as practical as work, but it could also be more enjoyable, such as a trip with friends and family. There is no doubt that we should do all of these in the best way possible. However, we should commit to what is best for our bodies once again.