Stretches – Pre and Post Workout
Stretching should be preceded by a 10-minute warm-up. Warm-up activities include bike riding, walking, or using an elliptical machine, all of which are low-impact rhythmic types of exercises. Pre-workout stretches should last 15–30 seconds, and post-workout stretches should last 30–60 seconds. Take deep breaths and exhale as you ease into each stretch.
Every stretch should be eased into and out slowly. Start each workout with a five-minute cardio warmup, followed immediately by a stretching routine. Then, choose the workout level and stream that suits you best. Cool down after resistance training by stretching afterward. Always use proper form and follow the intensity, tempo, and rest interval suggestions.
Weight gain should never come at the expense of form. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy yourself! Your body will become stronger, leaner, and healthier with each workout.

Stretching the right neck side flexor
Hold your right shoulder down by tightening your back muscles while maintaining good posture. Face your left shoulder with your head tilted. Hold. Switch to the opposite side after three repetitions.
Stretching the lateral shoulder rotator
Grab a towel or rope behind your back with your right arm while maintaining good posture. When pulling the towel/rope upward, the left arm should be overhead. Hold on. Turn your attention to the opposite side and repeat the process three times.
Stretching the right chest doorway
You should extend your right arm parallel to the floor as you stand near a doorway. The palm of your hand should face forward in a “stop” position when you bend your elbow. Apply pressure to the door jamb with your entire forearm and palm. Maintain a parallel position with your upper arm. When you feel a stretch in your chest, move your body into the doorway while keeping your arms stationary. Please hold. Switch to the opposite side after repeating it three times.
A kneeling stretch for the lats
With your hands and knees in a hands-and-knees position, raise your right arm and place it palm up on a Swiss ball or chair. Tuck in your pelvis while keeping your right arm extended. While keeping your pelvis in place, slowly lower your body until you feel a stretch. Keep holding. Switch to the opposite side after repeating the stretch three times.
Stretching the triceps
Raise your right arm overhead while standing tall and maintaining good posture. The right hand should be placed on the shoulder blade when you bend your elbow. Put your left hand on your elbow and push back. Hold on. Switch sides after three repetitions.
Stretching the right gluteus maximus and the external hip rotator
Cross your right leg over your left knee while lying on your back. Your left knee should be brought forward toward your chest. Maintain a flat back, shoulders, and head. Continue stretching your gluteus and hip muscles until you feel a stretch. Keep holding. Switch sides after three repetitions.
Stretching the hip flexors while lying down
When lying on your left side, flex your left hip and pull your left thigh close to your chest. Keep your pelvis tucked in, and use your hand to stabilize. Make sure your right leg is straight. Pull your heel toward your buttock by bending your knee, grasping your ankle, and grabbing your ankle. For 20 seconds, hold the position. Switch sides after three repetitions.
Stretching the knees and lungs while kneeling
Begin by lunging forward with your right leg, left knee on the ground, and pelvis tucked in. The front of the left hip should feel stretched as you move your body forward slowly. Keep holding. Switch sides after three repetitions.
Stretching the lower hamstrings while lying down
Your right hip and knee should be bent to 90 degrees while lying on your back. Avoid arching your back. Maintain a neutral lower back. Flex your toes instead of pointing them away from you. You can feel a stretch as your knee extends toward the ceiling and you slowly straighten your leg. You must keep your thigh still. Keep holding. Switch sides after three repetitions.
Stretching the Gastrocnemius
Bring your left leg forward and lean your upper body forward, placing both hands on the wall, while standing near the wall. Ensure your back leg remains straight and your rear foot remains flat with your toes pointed straight ahead. Bring your upper body closer to the wall by bending both arms. You should feel a stretch after a few minutes. Hold the position. Switch sides after three repetitions.
Stretching the soleus
Bring your left leg forward and lean your upper body forward, placing both hands on the wall as you stand near a wall. You should keep your back leg straight and your rear foot flat with your toes pointing straight ahead. You should feel a stretch in your rear knee when you bend it. Don’t let go. Switch sides after three repetitions.