Weebill is the shortest bird in Australia. The bird belongs to the family Acanthizidae. Often found in eucalypt woodlands and open forests, the Weebill...
A bird in the family Petroicidae, the Grey-headed Robin (Heteromyias cinereifrons) has long pale legs. A ground-foraging bird, it feeds on the ground. During...
The Rufous Scrubbird (Atrichornis rufescens) lives only in Australia, making it a very distinctive species of bird. Under the cover of dense vegetation, they...
Habitats: Throughout Australia, pale white-eye (Zosterops citronella) is found on small offshore islands in the Torres Strait and Cape York Peninsula. There, they are...
The yellow white-eye (Zosterops lutea) is endemic to the mangrove forests of subtropical and tropical northern Australia. These species are known for the circle...