In order to perform the Energetic Ball Meditation, the patient should first perform the one-through-ten & Through Ten Meditation and three invocations. On the last invocation, the patient visualizes a ball of divine healing light spinning inside his or her lower Dantian. This energy ball is directed towards a specific area or point on the body by the patient from the lower Dantian.
A spinning, energetic ball stimulates cells and tissues in a particular area of the body. Cells will vibrate faster and emit more energy as a result. Within the tissues of the patient, the ball’s energetic pulse induces a chaotic rhythm that creates a penetrating Qi field.
The clinical function of the energy ball is to create an energetic field that can be used to collect or disperse energy. This depends on the ball’s rotational movement.
  • Generally, clockwise spinning is used to gather Qi and is imagined to grow from large to small while spinning.
  • A counterclockwise spinning movement disperses Qi and is imagined as growing from a small to a large circumference as it spins.
Treating excess conditions:
Patients who experience excess conditions (such as inflammation, heat, dampness, or stagnation) can visualize the energetic ball spinning counterclockwise inside a certain point or area of their bodies.
Using the counterclockwise movement, tremendous amounts of energy can be dispersed and trapped Qi can be distributed to other parts of the patient’s body (for example, in the case of Qi stagnation).
From the inside out, the body needs to be cleansed. Diseased tissues are able to drain toxic Qi this way. Dissolving Stagnations with the Energetic Ball The patient can use the energy ball to disrupt the energetic field that underlies Qi, blood, and phlegm stagnation.
To accomplish this task, the patient is encouraged to perform the following steps:
  • Imagine the energetic ball glowing bright white and vibrating deep inside you.
  • In this scenario, the ball flows in and out, back and forth, through the stagnant tissue.
  • When a “wrecking ball” passes through tissues and cells, stagnation is dispersed.
When the patient has finished the meditation, he or she imagines casting the energetic ball into the ground, where the earth absorbs it.
In order to perform the Energetic Ball Meditation, the patient should first perform the one-through-ten Through Ten Meditation and three invocations.
In order to perform the Energetic Ball Meditation, the patient should first perform the one-through-ten Through Ten Meditation and three invocations.
Treating deficient conditions:
A patient should visualize the energetic ball spinning in a clockwise direction inside a particular point or area of his or her body as a means of treating a deficient condition (e.g., weakness, fatigue, atrophy).
The clockwise movement stimulates the cells and tissues of the patient and draws Qi from the surrounding area.
During treatment, the patient must visualize and feel the energetic ball gathering and concentrating Qi in a specific area (e.g., an internal organ). The Qi and blood of the internal organ are strengthened and stabilized as a result.
Cancer treatment:
By simultaneously sending ultraviolet and infrared light to tumor cells, the energy ball can dissolve tumors. A focused concentration allows the doctor to create an energy ball the size of a small ball and send it to the tumor’s center.
The concentrated ball of light can dissolve cancer cells immediately after it penetrates the tumor’s center. After 30 to 60 breaths, discard the energy ball in the energetic vortex under the treatment table.
Another method of treating cancer with energy balls is to create a violet-colored ball the exact size of the tumor and place it inside. The energy ball should be discarded in the energetic vortex under the treatment table after the tumor cells have been dissolved. Let’s watch a video.
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