Why is the Sound of Water Soothing? The sound of water has been known to soothe people and relax them. One possible explanation why the sound of running water has this effect is that it reminds us of our stillness and mobility, and invites reflection on our place in the world. This can help enhance a state in which we’re calm and peaceful, and feel one with the world around us.
Let’s take a closer look at why we find these relaxing sounds soothing:
Why is the Sound of Water Soothing? Why is it that we like to hear sounds associated with water? Is there something special about the sound of running water, such as waves lapping against a shoreline or gushing from a waterfall? Or is this preference more related to what we see when we think about bodies of water such as oceans or rivers? Water’s soothing power could also stem from the fact that it is very common, perhaps reminding us of why we like to go to the beach or why we wanted a swimming pool when we were kids.

Or maybe there isn’t anything special about water in general; maybe our preference for these sounds has more to do with the frequency spectrum of the sound itself. Some research indicates that sounds containing frequencies within certain ranges are more likely to relax us than those in other parts of the spectrum. For example, one study found that pure tones in this range produced increased alpha waves among listeners, which led them to conclude that it “may be possible to use sound stimuli presented at frequencies known to selectively induce physiological responses (e.g., 6 Hz) to induce relaxation.” So perhaps our brains are just wired to respond positively to certain sounds.
Still, other studies suggest that there is something about the human voice itself that tends to relax us when we hear it, or at least some voices might be more effective than others. For example, one study found that “the sampling of different voices leads listeners to experience emotions ranging from fear and anger to peacefulness and happiness.” The idea of using calming human speech as a way of helping people meditate is gaining popularity; this method is known as guided meditation. This suggests that even if non-human sounds (like those associated with water) can be soothing; why not focus on using our own voices instead? After all, why leave out an entire population of possible mediators?

So why do we like the sound of water and why does it help us relax? There are many possible explanations, but they probably all boil down to the fact that we find human nature soothing in general. When we focus on things such as why running water is calming or why certain voices make us feel at ease, we might be able to learn more about why this phenomenon exists and why it occupies such a prominent place in our culture. We may never truly understand why these sounds have this effect on us, but maybe once we’ve figured out why, the next question will be: what can I do with this information? Also, see Relaxing Water Sounds for Sleep for a complete list of relaxation tones.

Water Sounds for Sleep?
Water sounds can help people fall asleep. Water sounds offer a natural, pleasant sound that is effective in masking unwanted noise and creating a peaceful environment. Water sounds can be defined as the type of sound that you hear when water is running through a faucet. These types of sounds are characterized by their soothing and calming nature. Water sounds are wonderful for helping people fall asleep because they simulate the soothing sound of rainfall. Waterfall sleep sounds can block outside noises and create a relaxing environment that will improve your quality of life.