A medicine cabinet is something you can find in almost every other home. A medicine cabinet is a small cabinet attached to a wall in a bathroom. It usually has a mirror attached to the front. It is necessary for any house, and people use these bathroom medicine cabinets for multiple purposes. Many people refer to a medicine cabinet as a medicine chest. Often made of wood, these wood medicine cabinets carry multiple items from the house, not just medicines. They are like go-to cabinets for everything necessary in the house!
These cabinets can carry toothbrushes, toothpaste, toiletries, and other essential items often required in the bathroom. If you use these cabinets solely for bathroom essentials, you can install them as they are. But if your intended use is solely for medicines, then using them with a lock on the cabinet door is often recommended. It is because these cabinets are installed in accessible places in the bathroom, and leaving them unlocked can pose a risk to children in the house. If you have older children who can reach the cabinet door, it is better to keep the cabinet locked.
Another option is getting a high-quality, sturdy medicine cabinet with a strong door that doesn’t hang loose or break easily. This way, your children won’t often attempt to open the medicine cabinet door. You can use Wellfor medicine cabinets for strong, sturdy, and durable ones.
A medicine cabinet is something you can find in almost every other home. A medicine cabinet is a small cabinet attached to a wall in a bathroom.
A medicine cabinet is something you can find in almost every other home. A medicine cabinet is a small cabinet attached to a wall in a bathroom.
Different Types Of Medicine Cabinets
People choose different types of medicine cabinets based on their preferences and needs. Look at these variants of medicine cabinets so that you can make an informed decision about choosing the right one to fit your house’s interior and requirements.
  • Recessed Medicine Cabinets
People who prefer a minimal and modern look in their homes opt for a recessed medicine cabinet. A recessed medicine cabinet with a mirror in front is often installed in a bathroom. It is installed deep inside the wall and often has the most possible space. It looks built-in and has more storage options. The front mirror gives it a sleeker, more stylish look and adds purpose to its overall look. Thus, a recessed medicine cabinet is a beautiful combination of aesthetics and functionality.
To choose an excellent recessed medicine cabinet, you should thoroughly consider your interior and the overall architecture of your house. The cabinet should adjust well to your space and look like a built-in part of your house. Always choose an expert for your medicine cabinet installation. An expert will not just install your cabinet perfectly but will guide you as well.
  • Wall Mount Cabinets
Also known as surface-mounted cabinets, wall-mounted cabinets are easily installed as they don’t require being drugged deeper into the wall. These cabinets are easily mounted on an existing bathroom wall or any other wall where you want your medicine cabinet to be placed. People often install these wall-mounted cabinets as a DIY project, as they don’t require professional expertise or extensive tools.
Still, investing in an expert to install your medicine cabinet is always recommended, as an expert will never leave any loophole in the installation or make any mistake that will cost you more in the long run. A cabinet purchase, along with its installation, requires investment. When you make an investment in your house, it is always better to spend time pondering the right choice and asking an expert to help you with the process.
Most people opt for wall-mounted cabinets after their house renovations are completed. It is because it makes it easy to pick the perfect style of cabinet that complements your house renovation. And as these cabinets are installed on the wall, they don’t disrupt your already-present interior or renovation.
People who prefer a minimal and modern look in their homes opt for a recessed medicine cabinet.
People who prefer a minimal and modern look in their homes opt for a recessed medicine cabinet.
  • Mirrored Medicine Cabinets
Many people opt for mirrored medicine cabinets as they serve a dual purpose. They are used to store medicines, toiletries, or other essential household items. And they also function as an everyday mirror. People install these cabinets in their bathrooms, as a mirror is always a must in a bathroom. Or they install these cabinets in an area of the house where you check your reflection when passing by. These cabinets are used in rooms for general makeup and touchups and are used to store makeup items.
Apart from having a mirror on the front of the cabinet door, some people prefer a wooden look on the front and placing a mirror on the back side so that they can view themselves in the door when they open it. A wooden aesthetic on the front door is often done to match the room’s overall aesthetic. Either way, a mirror inside or outside the medicine cabinet door is always a valuable addition and the first preference of many people.
In mirrored medicine cabinets, some people go for a luxury look with either aluminium or wood frames. Framed mirrored cabinets give a beautiful look to the room’s overall appearance. Wooden frames are recommended for a more traditional look, while aluminium frames give a relatively modern look. Again, the choice should be made according to your room or bathroom interior so that the cabinet looks in the right place.
Two things should always be considered, whether you choose a recessed medicine cabinet or a wall-mounted or mirrored medicine cabinet. One is the look and aesthetic of the room in which you want your cabinet installed. The cabinet should always blend well with the room’s look. Nobody wants to get an expensive cabinet installed that doesn’t fit in the room and looks oddly placed.
Two, thoroughly analyze your requirements and get a cabinet that fulfils your storage needs. You should know beforehand the intended use of the cabinet to make the right choice. Also, check for space restrictions so you can know which medicine cabinet to pick and which one to ignore. For example, you should look for internal wall wiring or piping for a recessed medicine cabinet. Always make an informed decision and invest in the best option to avoid problems in the future.
Read More: Breathing New Life into Old Bathroom Furniture: A Journey of Transformation


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