Vocalizations: As a bird lover, if you hear a melodious song in the dry fields, it is probably a crested lark singing nearby. The crested lark sings in dry environments or open fields. A songbird, that has liquid, warbling sounds is described onomatopoeically as a whee-whee-wheeooo or twee-teee-tooo. It also sings in flights from high in the sky, usually 20–50 meters above the ground. The associated Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis) has a similar habit but also sings during its ascension, whereas the crested lark sings either at an altitude or on the ground. Crested larks are difficult to recognize on the ground because their colors are similar to dust colors; nevertheless, when they sing, they may easily indicate their location.
The bird occasionally mounts a clod or stone to utter liquid whistling notes. During the mating season, the male engages in a low-key song flight that involves taking off a few feet into the air, circling a small area with its wings flapping slowly, singing a brief, melodious song, and then descending with its wings spread stiffly and quivering slightly to perch on a stone or clod. The crested lark song is also uttered from the ground or a bush. It not only lacks the spirit and liveliness of the Skylark’s melody, but is also not so unbrokenly uttered, and is, of course, much shorter.
Here are some other facts about the crested lark
Family: The crested lark (Galerida cristata) is a member of the family Alaudidae in the genus Galerida.
Field Characters: The crested lark is a large-sized bird, and its prominent, pointed crest (usually upstanding) distinguishes it from most other larks. Both sexes are similar. It forages alone or pairs in dry, or open fields. A bird with a short tail and outside feathers is light brown. There are no apparent distinctions between males and females; however, the young have more spots on their backs than the older individuals. It can be seen along railroads, docks, electricity wires, and airfields, but it is most frequently spotted by roadsides or in grain fields.
Similar Species: Two allied but considerably smaller species, Sykes’s Crested Lark (Galerida deva) and the Malabar Crested Lark (Galerida malabarica), occupy the greater part of India. It has many similar characteristics to the Thekla lark (Galerida theklae) in many ways but differs primarily in the beak. Because the Thekla lark has darker black-brown streaks and a gray underwing, which is found in European specimens,.
Distribution: A widely distributed species with numerous races in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Only two of these concerns exist in the subcontinent, viz; the larger parts of Baluchistan, the KPK frontier race magna, the dry Punjab region, and the smaller North Indian areas, which extend south to central India and east to Bihar.
Habitats: The crested lark inhabits a dry, open, sandy, or stony semi-desert country covered with scanty grass. It is not found on lush meadows or moist grassland. Where the two types of countries are contiguous, the predilection for the drier countries will be obvious. Pairs or small parties are usually met with running about on the ground in search of food.
Nesting and Breeding: The crested lark nesting season is principally between March and June. The nest is a shallow cup of grass, lined with finer material or hair, placed in a slight hollow in open country, under the shelter of a grass tuft or clod. The normal clutch consists of 3–4 eggs, dull yellowish-white in color, blotched with brown and purple. Both sexes share in building the nest and nurturing the young. The female alone is to incubate. Like most larks, the young depart the nest early, typically after 7-8 days, and take to the skies when they are 15–16 days old. Typically, two broods are raised per year.
Diet: The crested lark is a mostly vegetarian bird that mostly eats seeds and grains, including barley, wheat, and oats, but small beetles and other insects are also eaten.
Flight: The crested lark flight pattern is an example of undulatory locomotion.
Size: The crested lark is slightly larger than the house sparrow. Its height is about 6.7 inches, with a wingspan of 11–15 inches, and it weighs between 38 and 55 grams.
Captivity: The Crested Lark is a favorite cage bird and thrives well in captivity.
Lifespan: The average lifespan is about one to five years.
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