
Double-barred Finch: A Feathered Jewel of Australia

Double-barred finch (Stizoptera bichenovii) is widespread in the better-watered grassy woodlands of northern and eastern Australia. It is also known as Black-rumped Double-bar, Banded Finch, Bicheno Finch, Black-ringed Finch,...

Common Grackle Call

VOCALIZATIONS: Common Grackle Call is a loud, hoarse ‘chuk’ or ‘chak’, particularly in a flock calling. The common grackle...

Rare Multicolored Bird Attracts Crowds of Avian Enthusiasts

Rare Multicolored Bird Attracts Crowds of Avian Enthusiasts. Nature is fully covered with beautiful things. No matter whatever...

The Tenacious Lumpsucker Fish

The Lumpsucker Fish is ugly it may be, but with its gaudy colors and devotion to parental duty....

Queen Alexandra’s Birdwing: Worlds Largest Butterfly

The Queen Alexander Birdwing Butterfly is the largest in the world, with its wingspan spread up to an...

Townshend Acts of 1767

The Townshend Acts of 1767: The British government faced looming debts from the Seven Years' War after the Stamp Act Crisis. The American colonies...

The Howard Pyle Life (1853-1911)

“Everything must have a beginning." Howard Pyle life is quite interesting, which led to a great interest in tales of chivalry and adventure that...

Olaudah Equiano’s Interesting Life Story

This firsthand account of Olaudah Equiano's capture by slavers, his enslavement, and the Middle Passage of 1789 was compiled by Gustavus Vassa the African....

Calusa People: Their Ultimate Fate Remains a Mystery

The Calusa people were cannibals, pirates, master builders, and carvers. Did they, or didn't they? Was it Muskogean-speaking people from the north or some...

The Story of Famine Stela in Egypt

The Famine Stela is an inscription on a 2.5-meter-high by 3-meter-wide granite slab on Sehel Island, close to the Nile near Aswan, Egypt, that...

The Deadliest Earthquakes of 1811

A series of the most remarkable earthquakes of 1811 in the history of the Mississippi Valley. The earthquake began on the night of November...

The English Civil War (1642-1646): A Divisive Conflict That Shaped a Nation

English Civil War There was a conflict between King Charles I of England and Parliament over fundamental issues of state and church control during the...

The Wall of Suitcases

A Polish wall of suitcases belonging to people interned in concentration camps during World War II. A part of a permanent exhibition at the...

Valentina Vassilyeva, The world’s most fertile mother gave birth to 69 children

Valentina Vassilyeva, a Russian woman, holds the record for having given birth to the most children in her lifetime. While reports about families with...

First Licensed Female Doctor in Their Respective Countries 1885

It must be a proud moment for any woman who is the first licensed female doctor in their respective countries. Anandibai Joshi of India,...