Affectionate Father Helps Son with Down syndrome to fly in Pleasing Photograph Series. When photographer Alan Lawrence’s son was born in October 2013, he knew that there was something dissimilar about him. When looking into his eyes, the whole thing started to go into a dream state. I know, my emotions of happiness paused as the whole thing around me seemed to sluggish down. The nurse may have been talking to me, but I wasn’t listening,” and I could instantly tell from the almond shape of Wil’s eyes that he had Down syndrome to Fly.”
Well, right after doctors confirmed Lawrence’s suspicions, he went online to learn that while he could about Down Syndrome, but found that there was little to no positivity. Therefore the optimistic father knew that, somehow, he would change this. Wil is the 5th child in the Lawrence family and the only one with Down syndrome.
Whenever he would crawl around on the floor, he’d attempt to lift his legs in the air and flap his arms, making his parents think that he was trying to fly. Actually, I was inspired by this, and the enthusiastic photographer decided to make upbeat images of Wil flying. Moreover, by holding his son aloft and then later editing him out of the photograph, the gifted father came up with the photograph series recognized as Wil Can Fly.
Thus after posting the series on his blog and on Instagram, Lawrence gained huge attention for his utmost efforts toward changing the negative stigma surrounding this disorder. Now, the family has established a Kicks-tarter project to raise funds for a Wil can fly calendar. They have also started the YouTube channel “Bringing Light” to share stories from other families who have been blessed with a child that has Down syndrome.
When you look at the photograph below as I was thinking about this photo, it actually kind of hit me that he really can fly. He really can fly. He’s still very young, but we know as a family that Wil can do anything that he puts his mind to. Source: My Modernmet