There are two vast lakes — Wyara and Numalla — that are the centerpiece of 154,870 ha Currawinya National Park, but they are not the only reasons to visit....
Western Spinebill (Acanthorhynchus superciliosus) replace Eastern Spinebill (Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris) in southwestern Australia's scrubby woodlands and heathlands. The bill is shorter than the Eastern's but...
The Mangrove Hummingbird (Amazilia boucardi) is a medium-sized hummingbird, with green upperparts that grade to bronze on the tail. It has whitish underparts with...
The good-looking White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike (Coracina papuensis) is a medium-sized slender bird that resembles Black-faced Cuckoo-shrikes in flight, feeding, and preferred habitat. It is endemic...
The mix of vibrant colors as tiny Yellow-bellied Sunbirds (Cinnyris jugularis) flit about red flowering shrubs with the blue Emperor butterfly (Papilo ulysses), in...
The beautiful Red-lored Whistler “Pachycephala rufogularis” is one of a group of three large whistlers that, are endemic to Australia. So far, there are...
RED-CAPPED PARROTS AND THE MARRI TREE “Eucalyptus calophylla” go together. This Red-capped Parrot not only favors the hollows in marri for nesting but also...
Shy Hylacola (Hylacola cauta) replaced the Chestnut-rumped in southern Australia's heathy Mallee. In the north of Bendigo, their ranges are within five kilometers of...
Chestnut-rumped Hylacola (Hylacola pyrrhopygia) is a very alert, evasive, cock-tailed bird of the undergrowth that occurs in dense heath shrubberies around southeastern Australia. This...
Alexandrine Parakeet “Psittacula eupatria” is a large 58 cm to 62 cm parrot with a massive red bill giving a “top-heavy” appearance and only...