The History of Kalapuya Tribe
The Kalapuyas (or Calapooyas or Calapooias) are one of eight tribes that belong to the Kalapuyan phylum. Kalapuya, or ka-la-POO-ya, is sometimes used to describe...
The common sandpiper, "Actitis hypoleucos" is about 19–22 cm in length. Upper parts are brown olive, including rump and tail; white underparts, with...
The vibrant-colored, with a strident call, Blue Jay is common in backyards and forests throughout much of North America. This common, large songbird is...
The stripe-tailed hummingbird (Eupherusa eximia) is named for the white edges of its distinctive black outer tail feathers. This species is a medium-sized hummingbird...
1 THREE-BANDED ROSEFINCH “Carpodacus trifasciatus” 18cm FIELD - NOTES: Lethargic, often sits immobile for long periods hidden in bushes or trees. Forages on the ground...
Behavior and Habitats
In Australia, the Magpie-lark-or Peewee (Grallina cyanoleuca) can be found anywhere. The species thrives in Tasmania wherever there are pastures, mud, trees,...
The genus Formicarius comprises 5 widely recognized species of terrestrial, crake-like antbirds of Neotropical forests. It is considered that Black-faced Mayan Antthrush “Formicarius analis” is...
Behavior & Habitats:
The beautiful Varied Sittella is a tree-living bird both when foraging and at rest. This stocky little bird scurries nonstop across tree...