
The History of Kalapuya Tribe

The History of Kalapuya Tribe The Kalapuyas (or Calapooyas or Calapooias) are one of eight tribes that belong to the Kalapuyan phylum. Kalapuya, or ka-la-POO-ya, is sometimes used to describe...

Varied honeyeater (Gavicalis versicolor)

Habitat: The varied honeyeater (Gavicalis versicolor) is a bird that is different from the mangrove honeyeater. Both can intergrade...

What Is Iguana Chum Used For?

What Is Iguana Chum Used For?  Don’t just bait your hook and cast your line off the stern! If...

Painted buttonquail (Turnix varius)

Family: Painted buttonquail (Turnix varius) is the quails that belong to the family Turnicidae, but do not closely...

Bar-bellied woodpecker

The Bar-bellied woodpecker (Veniliornis nigriceps) is a small size 17-19cm in length and is a species of bird in...

The Common Sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)

Identification The common sandpiper, "Actitis hypoleucos" is about 19–22 cm in length. Upper parts are brown olive, including rump and tail; white underparts, with...

Blue Jay Mysteries: Unraveling the Secrets of Their Migrations

The vibrant-colored, with a strident call, Blue Jay is common in backyards and forests throughout much of North America. This common, large songbird is...

The Distinctive Stripe-tailed Hummingbird

The stripe-tailed hummingbird (Eupherusa eximia) is named for the white edges of its distinctive black outer tail feathers. This species is a medium-sized hummingbird...

Bank Myna Sound

Bank Myna sound consists of a wide range of vocalizations, such as croaks, clucks, screeches, and whistles. a series of bird call videos where...

30 Most Beautiful Finches in Asia

1 THREE-BANDED ROSEFINCH “Carpodacus trifasciatus” 18cm FIELD - NOTES: Lethargic, often sits immobile for long periods hidden in bushes or trees. Forages on the ground...

Common Babbler – A Dingy Brown Bird Continually Jerk the Tail

The common Babbler is a dingy brown bird belonging to the member of the Leiothrichidae family of Argya genus. Its upper plumage is darker...

Magpie-lark – The Unsung Heroes of Urban Birding

Behavior and Habitats In Australia, the Magpie-lark-or Peewee (Grallina cyanoleuca) can be found anywhere. The species thrives in Tasmania wherever there are pastures, mud, trees,...

Mayan Antthrush (Formicarius moniliger)

Introduction The genus Formicarius comprises 5 widely recognized species of terrestrial, crake-like antbirds of Neotropical forests. It is considered that Black-faced Mayan Antthrush “Formicarius analis” is...

Varied Sittella (Daphoenositta chrysoptera)

Behavior & Habitats: The beautiful Varied Sittella is a tree-living bird both when foraging and at rest. This stocky little bird scurries nonstop across tree...

The Spectacular Indian Roller (Coracias benghalensis)

The Indian Roller (Coracias benghalensis), in Telugu, is called “paala pitta” and is a member of the roller family of birds. Three subspecies are...