Xantus’s Hummingbird (Basilinna xantusii) species are very closely related to White-eared hummingbirds. It shows considerable similarity to the mountain gems (genus Lampornis) and is sometimes placed separately in...
The red-cheeked parrot (Geoffroyus geoffroyi) belongs to the family Psittaculidae.
Behavior & Habitats:
A Red-cheeked Parrot is usually seen alone, in pairs, or in small groups,...
The common sandpiper, "Actitis hypoleucos" is about 19–22 cm in length. Upper parts are brown olive, including rump and tail; white underparts, with...
The vibrant-colored, with a strident call, Blue Jay is common in backyards and forests throughout much of North America. This common, large songbird is...
The stripe-tailed hummingbird (Eupherusa eximia) is named for the white edges of its distinctive black outer tail feathers. This species is a medium-sized hummingbird...
1 THREE-BANDED ROSEFINCH “Carpodacus trifasciatus” 18cm FIELD - NOTES: Lethargic, often sits immobile for long periods hidden in bushes or trees. Forages on the ground...
Behavior and Habitats
In Australia, the Magpie-lark-or Peewee (Grallina cyanoleuca) can be found anywhere. The species thrives in Tasmania wherever there are pastures, mud, trees,...
The genus Formicarius comprises 5 widely recognized species of terrestrial, crake-like antbirds of Neotropical forests. It is considered that Black-faced Mayan Antthrush “Formicarius analis” is...
Behavior & Habitats:
The beautiful Varied Sittella is a tree-living bird both when foraging and at rest. This stocky little bird scurries nonstop across tree...