Insects & Butterflies

Double-barred Finch: A Feathered Jewel of Australia

Double-barred finch (Stizoptera bichenovii) is widespread in the better-watered grassy woodlands of northern and eastern Australia. It is also known as Black-rumped Double-bar, Banded Finch, Bicheno Finch, Black-ringed Finch,...

The Magical Natural Beauty of Plumbeous water redstart

Identification: Plumbeous water redstart (Phoenicurus fuliginosus) male bird is entirely bluish slaty with chestnut tail and rufous vent. However,...

California Condor – Largest North American Land Bird

A New World vulture, the California Condor is the largest North American land bird. In 1987, it became...

The Biggest Huntsman Spider Found in Queenstown Australia

The Biggest Huntsman Spider Found in Queenstown Australia - An Australian Female Photographer's snap of gigantic creepy crawly...

The Breathtaking Rainbow Rose

The Rainbow Rose was shaped by Dutch flower company owner Peter Van-De Werken. who formed them by developing...

The Breathtaking Golden Jewel Scarabs Beetles

Breathtaking Golden Jewel Scarabs Beetles A genus of brightly colored, often metallic iridescent jewel scarabs, Chrysina is found from the southwestern edge of the United...

Kallima inachus – Perfect Camouflage Butterfly Seems Dead Leaf when Wings are Closed

Kallima inachus butterfly is found throughout tropical Asia from India to Japan. Where it is known by different names, i.e., orange oakleaf, Indian oakleaf,...

The Black Garden Ant

The Black Garden Ant lifts a paving slab or turns over a large stone in the garden, and the chances are that you will...

The Relationship between Insects and Man

The relationship between Insects and Man is one of wariness a strange situation. There are as many benefits to be gained from insects as...

Tawny Mining Bee “Andrena fulva”

BODY LENGTH The Female Tawny Mining Bee length is about 0.39–0.55 in (10–14 mm). However, the Male length is about 0.39–0.55 in. (10–14 mm) FOOD PLANTS Tawny...

The Bright Coloring Ladybirds Insects

Ladybirds Insects are always popular for their bright coloring, are also one of the few insects welcome in the garden for the work they...

Basic Equipment for Collecting Insects

This blog post is all about the 12 ideas of Basic Equipment for Collecting Insects Aerial Net - It can also be used as...

Rosy Maple Moth – A Small North American Moth With Exclusive Coloring

Overview The Rosy Maple Moth (Dryocampa rubicunda) is a species of moth native to North America. It is a brightly colored moth that is easily...

Honey Hunting and Beekeeping

Ancient Honey Hunting and Beekeeping Honey would have been found in bees' nests high in the trees during early human hunter-gatherer lifestyles in which they...