Ocean Life

Epemedium Flower – Look Like Maidenhair Fern

Epemedium grandiflorum is also called “bishop’s hat” is one of my favorite ground covers. It is one of those plants which look like maidenhair fern, that looks dainty and...

The Spectacular Pink Cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeateri)

The stunning Pink Cockatoo and its delicate pink tones suffusing its plumage, particularly under the wings in flight,...

White-backed Swallow (Cheramoeca leucosternum)

Habitat: White-backed Swallow (Cheramoeca leucosterna) is one of Australia's only endemic species of communal birds. Although they disperse...

Polaskia chichipe: Elegant cactus that resembles a columnar tree

Habitat: The Polaskia chichipe succulent cactus grows in xerophytic shrubland. Plants are treelike, branching more or less terminally...

Magical White-gaped Honeyeater (Stomiopera unicolor)

Habitat: The white-gaped honeyeater (Stomiopera unicolor) is noisy and aggressive like other honeyeaters. The white-gaped occupies streamside thickets...

Life on a Coral Atoll

Nature curious maybe wanted to know, what is Life on a Coral Atoll? Because the soil of a coral atoll is basically limestone, few...

The Long-Limbed Brittle Star

Looking like Long-Limbed versions of their close relatives, the starfishes, Brittle Star occurs in huge numbers around the sea coast. Sometimes thousands of individuals...

Coral Reef Destruction: How Human Activities Are Threatening Ocean Life

The coral reef destruction is badly impacted due to human activities. Reefs are very fragile underwater ecosystems and environments that cannot tolerate a wide...

The Sea Bed Flatfishes

Sea Bed Flatfishes of great importance to the fishing industry are found in nearly every sea in the world, and sometimes in freshwater. There...

The Tenacious Lumpsucker Fish

The Lumpsucker Fish is ugly it may be, but with its gaudy colors and devotion to parental duty. The lumpsucker is one of the...

UK Shingle Beach Communities

UK Shingle Beach makes up a quarter of the coastline. Some of these are shifting and unstable, affording the opportunity for only the hardiest...

Limpets: Snails of Rocky Shores

Limpets attached to rocks are a familiar sight around our coastline. Their shells are exposed to the relentless pull of the tides. But the...

The Strandline – Whim of the Waves

Representatives of the great hidden storehouse of life in seas from the most primitive hydroid to an enormous whale may, on the whim of...

The Amazing Rock Drilling Shellfish

Boring bivalves, as science unkindly names these extraordinary Shellfish use their hard shells to cut their way into rocks and wood. A bivalve is...

Weever Fish – Danger on the Beach

Although the vast majority of Weever Fish throughout the world are harmless to man! There is a sizeable number with deadly stings, poisonous flesh,...