
Elowah Falls – The Scenic Waterfalls of Multnomah County

The Elowah Falls, also known as McCord Creek Falls, is in Multnomah County, Oregon, the U.S. This is a 213-foot-high scenic waterfall in the Columbia River Gorge. A waterfall...

The Strandline – Whim of the Waves

Representatives of the great hidden storehouse of life in seas from the most primitive hydroid to an enormous...

The Incredible Elephant Rocks at Duntroon, in North Otago, New Zealand

If you are interested in geological oddities, you should visit the Elephant Rocks in New Zealand. The Elephant...

Ili Pika – Magical Rabbit Endangered to Lost Forever

Are you ready to fall in love and have you heartbroken at the same time? The gorgeous rabbit...

Lucifer Hummingbird (Calothorax lucifer)

Distribution: The northernmost representative of the woodstar–sheartail group, the striking Lucifer Hummingbird (Calothorax lucifer) is found in the desert...

Mayan Antthrush (Formicarius moniliger)

Introduction The genus Formicarius comprises 5 widely recognized species of terrestrial, crake-like antbirds of Neotropical forests. It is considered that Black-faced Mayan Antthrush “Formicarius analis” is...

Cilantro – A Sweet-Smelling Herb to Healing Spices

Cilantro, also known as coriander or “Dhania”, is a sweet-smelling herb with wide, subtle lacy leaves and a pungent smell. It belongs to the...

Varied Sittella (Daphoenositta chrysoptera)

Behavior & Habitats: The beautiful Varied Sittella is a tree-living bird both when foraging and at rest. This stocky little bird scurries nonstop across tree...

The Spectacular Indian Roller (Coracias benghalensis)

The Indian Roller (Coracias benghalensis), in Telugu, is called “paala pitta” and is a member of the roller family of birds. Three subspecies are...

The Brightly and Colorful Bee-eaters

Bee-eaters brightly colored birds of elegant form. They are characterized by having the median pair of tail feathers prolonged a couple of inches beyond...

White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica)

Identification The white-winged dove measures 25–31 cm long. It is also known as the Mesquite Dove.  A medium-sized, heavy-bodied, broad-winged dove with a slightly graduated tail...