North America

The Strandline – Whim of the Waves

Representatives of the great hidden storehouse of life in seas from the most primitive hydroid to an enormous whale may, on the whim of the waves, be cast up...

The Incredible Elephant Rocks at Duntroon, in North Otago, New Zealand

If you are interested in geological oddities, you should visit the Elephant Rocks in New Zealand. The Elephant...

Ili Pika – Magical Rabbit Endangered to Lost Forever

Are you ready to fall in love and have you heartbroken at the same time? The gorgeous rabbit...

Lucifer Hummingbird (Calothorax lucifer)

Distribution: The northernmost representative of the woodstar–sheartail group, the striking Lucifer Hummingbird (Calothorax lucifer) is found in the desert...

Redthroat: A Soberly Colored Bird

Redthroat (Pyrrholaemus brunneus) is a soberly colored bird of Australia's arid and semi-arid regions but it also occupies...

Metlako Falls: Eagle Creek’s Stunning Natural Wonder

Metlako Falls is located in Hood River County, Oregon, the United States on Eagle Creek in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. Among...

Crown Point and Vista House

A basalt promontory on the Columbia River Gorge, Crown Point is known historically as Thor's Heights or Thor's Crown. It is located approximately 24...

Robledo Mountains: Enigmatic Landscapes Where History, Geology, and Nature Collide

The Robledo Mountains are a fascinating mountain range in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, located northwest of Las Cruces in the Chihuahuan Desert. They...

Lake Lucero: Where the Desert Meets the Salt Flats

Lake Lucero is a playa in the Tularosa Basin, part of White Sands National Park in New Mexico, USA. Lake Lucero is located in...

Wahkeena Falls Oregon

There is a waterfall in Oregon's Columbia River Gorge, which is called Wahkeena Falls which measures 73 meters high. Wahkeena Falls is located about...

Mesmerizeing Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve

The fascinating Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve blooms all over the state, except the western side of Antelope Valley in northern Los Angeles County, which...