
California Condor – Largest North American Land Bird

A New World vulture, the California Condor is the largest North American land bird. In 1987, it became extinct in the wild due to poaching, lead poisoning, and habitat...

Gymnocalycium: Most Popular Cacti among Hobbyists

Gymnocalycium is the most popular cacti for hobbyists—and certainly exciting to see in the field. A vast genus...

Mesmerizing Photography of Freezing Flowers

Mesmerizing Photography of Freezing Flowers. Some ideas are unique when photographer Mo Devlin takes an interesting approach to...

Mangrove Fantail (Rhipidura phasiana)

Family: Mangrove Fantail (Rhipidura phasiana) is replacing the Grey Fantail in the mangroves of northwestern Australia. It belongs...

Walking Palm Tree: Myth or Reality? Discover the Truth!

Walking Palm Tree has allegedly developed a rather unique ability unbecoming of a plant: “the ability to walk.”....

Life as a Caregiver Quotes

Life as a caregiver quotes, that actually inspire ad uplift the motivation. The journey of caring for others is filled with love, compassion, and...

Quotes by Ted Bundy

Ted Bundy was a Serial Killer in American History, who murdered many innocent young girls & women. Some famous Quotes by Ted Bundy are...

Last Words of Famous Peoples

Last Words of Famous Peoples - Death is a bitter reality that man cannot deny even if he wants to. There is no set...