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Five College and University Tips for Students to Get Through a Tough Class
Five College and University Tips for Students to Get Through a Tough Class
At one point, it happens to all students. You wind up in a class that you don’t know how to succeed in. Maybe the material isn’t as interesting as you thought it would be, or the professor is a notoriously tough grader.
You may already have visions of failing the class and all the attendant horrors that come with that, but don’t worry—it’s not too late yet. There are many resources out there that can help you ace a class you are struggling with, including essay writing services. Here are some tips to help you salvage your term.
1. Go to Your Professors or Graduate Assistants for Help
Most professors are there because they want to teach students in their classes. If they know students are struggling with the material, they want to do what they can to help a struggling pupil. However, your professor has to know that you’re engaged in the material and want help in the first place.
Try going to office hours or setting up a one-on-one meeting with your professor to discuss what you are struggling with in the class. They can explain material in a different way or come up with extra credit assignments for you to salvage your grade.
2. Check Out Tutoring Services
Many colleges and universities offer student tutoring centers for people who are struggling in certain subjects. They are usually staffed with graduate students or previous students of a course who aced it. Going to a peer is sometimes less intimidating than going to a professor, and those people can help break down topics in a more accessible way. Plus, they have more time to host regular study sessions with you since that is their job.
Even if your university doesn’t have a formal tutoring center, you can reach out to someone in your class who you know is doing well and ask them for a little help.
3. Figure Out Why You’re Struggling
If you’re unsure of why your grade keeps scraping the bottom of the barrel in class, it helps to take stock of what is causing the problem. Are you struggling with a foundational concept? Is the professor’s teaching style just not working for you? Are other factors, such as a heavy workload from another class or family problems, affecting your ability to focus?
Once you get specific with what is bothering you, then you can find the solutions that make going through class easier.
4. Set More Manageable Goals
It helps to re-evaluate what you are hoping to get out of your class. If you initially decided you wanted the highest grade possible, but it’s the middle of the semester and you are struggling to pass, then it’s time to stop putting pressure on yourself to do the impossible.
Setting more manageable goals can help you actually achieve them. For example, if you decide you just want to pass the class so that you focus on studying a section of the material well instead of all of the material poorly, you are more likely to do better.
5. Outsource If Needed
Sometimes, no matter what you do, you just can’t get your head around a difficult class. In that case, try to minimize the damage that class does to your overall academic success. Do what you can take out a good grade, even hiring essay writing services. The professionals can create a presentable essay while you focus on other classes that are less trouble. Just make sure that you choose a reputable service that will fulfill your requirements.