Coping with stress in life

Each individual can cope with different amounts of stress in life. Whereas some draw on never-ending reserves to keep moving, others succumb. There is an amount of stress that stimulates, but excessive stress can cause mental and physical damage. Most of us think of tense situations and worries as being the cause of stress. In reality, stresses are wide-ranging.

They include environmental stresses, such as pollution, noise, housing problems, cold, or overheating; physical stresses, such as illnesses, injuries, and an inadequate diet; and mental stresses, such as relationship problems, financial strains, bereavement, and job difficulties. The body responds to threatening or demanding situations by making rapid physiological changes, called “adaptive responses.” In the first stage of stress, hormones are poured into the bloodstream.

The pulse quickens, the lungs take in more oxygen to fuel the muscles, blood sugar increases to supply added energy, digestion slows, and perspiration increases. In the second stage of stress, the body repairs the damage caused by the first stage. If the stressful situation is resolved, stress symptoms vanish. If the situation continues, however, exhaustion sets in, and the body’s energy gives out. This stage may continue until vital organs are affected, and then disease or even death can result.


The increase in hormones such as neither adrenaline, nor adrenaline, and corticosteroids in response to stress may cause increased breathing and heart rate, nausea, and tense muscles.

Moreover, in the long term, stress can lead to insomnia, depression, high blood pressure, hair loss, allergies, ulcers, heart disease, digestive disorders, menstrual problems, palpitations, impotence, and premature ejaculation. Psychological stress results from perceived or anticipated threats.

Moreover, the stress may be acute, responding to instant danger, or chronic, as when an individual experiences an unhappy life situation. In either case, the body mechanisms are similar. Chronic physical illness always has significant psychological effects. Stress that persists for a long time often leads to debilitating changes.

Medical scientists divide people’s behavior into two types, depending on their reactions to stress. People with type-A behavior react to stress with aggressiveness, competitiveness, and self-imposed pressure to get things done.

Additionally, Type-A behavior is connected with heart attacks and other illnesses. People with type-B behavior may be equally serious in their intentions but are more patient, easygoing, and relaxed. Psychological or emotional problems are a major cause of diseases with physical symptoms induced by stress. Stress-related disorders comprise 50–80 percent of all illnesses, though stress may not be the only cause.

Each individual Coping with stress in life with different amounts of challenges. Whereas some draw on never-ending reserves to keep moving, others succumb.
Each individual Coping with stress in life with different amounts of challenges. Whereas some draw on never-ending reserves to keep moving, others succumb. Source



An Ayurvedic practitioner would prescribe supportive herbs, and use a balancing treatment specific to your needs.

Chinese herbalism

Chinese medicine believes that stress does not cause illness, but how we deal with it. Herbs would be prescribed according to your specific needs, to support you throughout stressful periods, and strengthen your body.  Through overwork, the kidneys may become exhausted and require treatment. Above and beyond supporting blood flow and qi, it can also be used to uphold harmony in the body.

Traditional folk and home remedies

In addition to zinc, iron, and calcium, pumpkin seeds are rich in protein and B vitamins, which are essential to brain function. This will help you deal with stress. Oats are vital for a healthy nervous system. In periods of stress, start the day with oatmeal, which will keep you tranquil, and stop depression and wide-ranging debility.


Herbs that encourage relaxation and tonicize the nervous system include balm, lavender, chamomile, passiflora, and oats. These can be drunk as an infusion as often as necessary when in a stressful situation. As an “adaptogenic” herb, ginseng lifts you when you’re tired and relaxes you when you’re stressed, and it works on the immune system and energizes it. Several therapists recommend a daily dose during challenging times.


Essential oils are excellent for stress reduction because many work on the nervous system and the brain to relax and soothe. Other oils are uplifting, which can be invaluable in extreme stress. Massage with aromatherapy oils is very soothing – principally due to the physical element of touch—and a few drops of essential oil in the bath can offer a chance to “wash away” the problems of the day while experiencing the benefits of the oil. Suitable oils include basil, chamomile, geranium, lavender, neroli, and rose. Oils that strengthen the adrenal system, weakened by stress, include rosemary, ginger, and lemongrass.

Vitamins and minerals

Eating a healthy, balanced diet will make your body stronger and able to cope more efficiently with stress. Stress often depletes B vitamins, so ensure you get enough in your diet, or take an effective supplement. There is some evidence that bee and flower pollen, available in tablets or grains, can boost immunity and energize the body. Do not eat this if you are allergic to honey or bee stings. An amino acid called L-tyrosine energizes and relieves stress.

It has been shown that people taking this supplement are more alert, less anxious, more well-organized, and complain less about physical discomforts during stressful situations. You become fitter and healthier by consuming vitamin C, which reduces stress and boosts immunity.

Read More – Stress, Mental, and Nervous Problems


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