What is hospice?
Providing comfort and support to patients and their families is the goal of hospice care. Hospice cares for all needs—physical, emotional, and spiritual—and offers direction and support. Rather than controlling the disease or eradicating it, the focus now shifts to palliating its symptoms and improving the quality of life. This is regardless of whether you wish to continue active treatment. If your cancer cannot be controlled or if your doctor tells you that hospice is the only option, it may be time to consider hospice.Â
Hospice programs are prevalent across the country, and they are often available in even smaller communities. Hospice patients must be in the end stages of their cancer and have less than 6 months to live before they become eligible for it. It is difficult to give an actual estimate of how much time a person will have before death, so they use this guideline. In order for hospice care to be as effective as possible, it is best to use its services several months ahead of the time of death rather than in the last few days. Talk to your doctor about hospice care and what is available in your area. You can also get information about hospice services from the American Cancer Society.
Patients with hospice services typically receive home care equipment (beds, walkers, oxygen equipment and supplies, etc.), routine daily or weekly visits by health care aides, nurses, clergy, and counseling staff, as well as help with hygiene and daily medical procedures. If you or a loved one will need hospice services in the future, you may wish to learn about the available hospice services in your area in advance. The process of making contacts, completing paperwork, and so forth can seem overwhelming at times.
Having a health aide visit our homes several mornings a week was an absolute blessing! She assisted Bruce with his shower, shaving, and medical procedures while I did laundry and other errands. When nausea increased, the hospice nurse provided helpful suggestions for food alternatives. Likewise, she provided solutions for constipation and other digestive issues. Furthermore, she gave advice on how much pain medication to take and when.
While the patient’s spouse or care provider is taking a break, going back to work, running errands, or attending church or temple, patients greatly appreciate it if we stay with them during those times. When bringing food, please remember that many times the patient’s food preferences will change drastically due to chemotherapy, radiation, and medications. Several families create schedules for this as well as for bringing food to the patients and family at home.
Also, he found that seasoned and spicy foods that he had previously enjoyed became very challenging for him to digest. His comfort food became the norm. Providing assistance with household chores and yard work-laundry, lawn care, snow removal, grocery shopping, and housekeeping—are also possible options. Transporting patients to medical appointments is also an option.
The mesothelioma disease can be hard to control. Some treatments may slow the growth of cancer for a while, but the disease may return at some point or worsen. Depending on the growth pattern of your cancer, your doctor may tell you that it can no longer be controlled or that this is no longer possible. When this occurs, you may need to work with your doctor to shift the focus of your care from the treatment of your symptoms to an effort to control your symptoms. A significant number of symptoms caused by your disease and its treatment may decrease your quality of life, so you may choose not to take further treatment.Â
Making these kinds of decisions and preparing for end-of-life care can be stressful for a person, but it can also give them a sense of peace and freedom. Taking care of those things you’ve been putting off for later is the perfect time to get them done. You and your family can make decisions about the future and plan for your financial and legal needs. If you and your family are in need of health care, now is a good time to speak to your doctor about the kinds of help and programs available to you.