How to Recover After You Have Sinned
It’s part of human nature to commit sins; however, many of us find ourselves becoming completely consumed by guilt. No human is perfect, but intense feelings of shame can be extremely difficult to deal with. Despite this, it’s important to take these feelings and use them to inspire a path of repentance. Regardless of the religion you follow, the respective god or gods will expect humans to commit sins from time to time. Your god(s) will not shun you for sinning, but they will take notice of the steps you take to make reparations for these sins. Discover how to best recover after you have sinned below.

Admit the Sins You Committed
The first step to recovery is acceptance. Whether you displayed uncontrolled feelings of anger or rage or ate across the Ramadan 2023 dates, you need to be honest about these sins before you can move toward recovery. Part of admitting the sin of eating during Ramadan is making your Kaffarah payment, which equates to the cost of feeding 60 poor people. At a rate of around $6 per person, the Kaffarah rate stands at around $360 per broken fast. In order to recover from your sins and grow closer to your god(s), you need to be open and honest with yourself and your god(s).
Recognize Your Wrongdoings
It’s not just about admitting that you have sinned; you need to actually recognize that what you have done is wrong. Without this recognition, admitting and repenting for what you have done becomes pointless. For your god(s) to be open to forgiving you, they need to know that you know what you did is wrong, and it’s your duty to make up for it. In the absence of this, it just seems as though you’re looking to repent to get in your god(s)’ good books. This is a selfish form of repentance, which is frowned upon in any religion.
Ask for Forgiveness
Once you’ve admitted and recognized your sins yourself, it’s time to ask for forgiveness from your god(s). Only your god(s) will be able to grant you the forgiveness you need to move forward. Despite this, simply asking for forgiveness isn’t enough; you also have to take the necessary steps to obtain this forgiveness. This means engaging more actively within your religion. Whether that means reading your holy book more often or engaging in additional prayer, you must actively obtain this forgiveness from your god(s). This is where a lot of people go wrong in “asking” for forgiveness.
Accept Forgiveness
Once your god(s) give you this forgiveness, it’s your job to accept it. This means moving on from your sins and not dwelling on them too much. After all, your god(s) word is more important than anyone else’s, meaning their forgiveness is more important than anyone’s, including yourself. Essentially, when your god(s) has granted forgiveness, this means it’s time to move on from past sins and work to improve your future self. Part of this acceptance is working to become a better person in the future by learning from past sins.
Read and Meditate on the Word of Your God(s)
Last but not least, recovering from sins means reading and meditating on the word of your god(s). The holy book of each religion teaches followers how they should lead their lives, meaning they should engage with this regularly. This means not only reading the holy book but also working to understand it in greater depth. Every religion has many connotations, so it’s important to perceive your religion in a way that resonates with you. Read More – How Much Water Does the Body Need in Ramadan?