The purpose of this post is to lift your level of happiness and a more satisfying happy life. Here are some practical suggestions from University of California psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky, based on research findings by her and others. Satisfaction guarantees at least a temporary boost to your Happy Life. In this world, nothing is more precious than satisfying and Happy Life.
Count your blessings.
One way to do this is with a “gratitude journal” in which you write down three to five things for which you are currently thankful from the mundane (your peonies are in bloom) to the magnificent (a child’s first steps). Do this once a week, say, on Sunday night. Keep it fresh by varying your entries as much as possible. Count the blessing of health, job, children, and food, God has given you. So, happy life is a great blessing from God.
Practice acts of kindness.
These should be both random (let that harried mom go ahead of you in the checkout line) and systematic (bring Sunday supper to an elderly neighbor). Being kind to others, whether friends or strangers, triggers a cascade of positive effects—it makes you feel generous and capable, gives you a greater sense of connection with others, and wins you smiles, approval, and reciprocated kindness all happiness boosters.
Savor life’s joys.
Pay close attention to momentary pleasures and wonders. Focus on the sweetness of a ripe strawberry or the warmth of the sun when you step out from the shade. Some psychologists suggest taking “mental photographs” of pleasurable moments to review in less happy times.
Thank mentor.
If there’s someone to whom you owe a debt of gratitude for guiding you at one of life’s crossroads, don’t wait to express your appreciation in detail and, if possible, in person. Say to him, a big thank you to acknowledge his help or support in your difficult time. Because very few people come ahead to help you. Talk with him and share your life experiences.
Learn to forgive.
Let go of anger and resentment by writing an email or letter of forgiveness to a person who has hurt or wronged you. The inability to forgive is associated with persistent rumination or dwelling on revenge while forgiving allows you to move on. Anger disturbed your mental peace and let your mind free from that. It is a great act only brave people can do that. So, learn to forgive.
Invest time and energy in friends and family.
Where you live, how much money you make, your job title, and even your health have surprisingly small effects on your satisfaction with life. The biggest factor appears to be strong personal relationships. Family should be your most important thing in the world. Spend time with your children, wife, mother, and father. They are the closest persons living around you. Spending time with them will also relax you and enhance your mood.
Take care of your body for a happy life
Getting plenty of sleep, exercising, stretching, smiling, and laughing can all enhance your mood in the short term. Practiced regularly, they can help make your daily life more satisfying. Your body will move easily in any situation, which most fat people don’t do. So, brisk walking is another option to relax your mind and body.
Develop strategies for coping with stress and hardships.
There is no avoiding hard times. Religious faith has been shown to help people cope, but so do the secular beliefs enshrined in axioms like “This too shall pass” and “That which doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.” The trick is that you must believe them.
Read More – What is Happiness in Life