Have you ever see a Pink Dolphin? Probably your answer will be “NO”.
But here, you can see Pink Dolphin is a mythical-looking creature that is happily capturing the hearts of millions of people around the world. However, you are used to seeing dolphins naturally having a blue or gray tint, Pinky is an attractive pink!
The marine mammal’s rosy glow seems like an incredible impossibility, but she’s certainly not the only one. We’d like to bring to your knowledge that, Pink dolphins are most often seen in the Amazon River, where they are either a carnation pink or light gray. Nevertheless, they do have other habitats in freshwater areas, which help account for Pinky’s presence close to Louisiana’s coast.
A few biologists are also of the opinion that Pink Dolphin is coping with a genetic condition that causes her blood veins to be directly underneath her skin. If we look back in 2007, Pinky Dolphin was first spotted by Calcasieu Charter Service’s Captain Erik Rue when she was just a baby swimming alongside her mom.
Now, more than 8 years later, it seems that Pinky may soon be a mom herself. Once again, Captain Erik Rue was the one to spot her, and he said that she would be mating with a male dolphin. Since summer season is coming to an end, this may be the last time that the captain sees his favorite dolphin friend, but who knows? Maybe Pinky will make up for her absence by bringing some loveable baby dolphins with her next time. Pink dolphins are highly intelligent creatures famous for their use of echolocation to search the food in the often murky waters of their river environments. Pink dolphins diet includes of different species of fish, crustaceans, turtles, and other river animals. Moreover the adjacent cultures, pink dolphins hold a magnificent place, often associated with super natural powers and believed to transform into human in local legends.
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Source: My Modernmet