Why are we not making progress? It is often the immature who don’t advance in life. Their happiness, courage, success, and care are overly dependent on others. So they heavily believe that others should help them make their choices or approve of their plans and actions. At every tentative step, they still want Mom and Dad to point the way and nod their approval. Position, smiles and stars are what they want from their teachers.
To have their lovers and friends approve of their actions and to be their constant cheerleaders, they want to have their bosses and co-workers do the same. Those who don’t get positive support, normally stop at a certain point when they don’t get encouragement. People won’t take action if they don’t receive permission to be themselves or pursue their dreams. There is a fear of rejection or criticism that keeps them trapped. Their fears are the main obstacles to their career growth. Fear of failure destroys confidence and personality.
The long view of their lives reveals a tendency to always seek permission and approval from others, like a teenager seeking permission to leave the house. There is nothing more eternal than waiting for the approval of others. A great man or woman doesn’t care what others think. They rarely ask for permission from others because they know the masses are bound by mediocrity and will not approve of anything that smacks of boldness or magic. There is an abiding mistrust of mavericks in society – until, of course, the maverick amasses wealth, power, and prestige.
A great and successful leader explains clearly what he or she wants and why, discards any feedback that isn’t helpful, and carries on regardless. When upset or asked, “Who do you think you are?” they boldly reply with strength and a willingness to defend and fight for what they believe in. It does not matter how many people nod when they present their vision.
In their lives, they live with the conviction that they do not require permission from others. Tasks, projects, and initiatives were started without anyone’s approval over and over again. Certificates, letters, and content smiles from caregivers weren’t required. Eventually, they moved.
Remember this is a sad thing, but true truth. Nevertheless, the only permission society ever grants is permission to follow its norms and traditions. Because no one wants to be left behind or made a fool for clinging to a world that has already faded from relevance, no one will grant us permission to advance quickly. Having this knowledge, the best thing we can do is share our ideas for progress openly with people and consult intelligent sources that can help us along the way.
Read More – The Love We Shall Amplify