Rare Wildflower in the Deserts of Colorado Plateau
The flowers are gems of mother nature, and if you ever see the rare wildflowers in the desert of Colorado plateau,. You will be amazed at how beautiful nature is. Normally, flowers come in many shapes and colors. But the desert flowers are a wonderful part of barren lands. Perhaps everyone has an idea of the desert as mainly barren land, with no great benefits.
But the Colorado Plateau is a unique desert with rare wildlife and few scattered areas of forests. When you see the pictures, you’ll see visible, uncounted cracks in the parched earth. However, for a very limited time every few years, this barren desert is transformed into a fairy-tale carpet of purple and yellow flowers.
The unique occasion didn’t happen every year. These scorpion weed and bee plant flowers are given the right combination of winter precipitation and April sunshine. Then rare wildflowers bloom for just a few days before disappearing again for periods lasting several years.
During the winter months, precipitation generally exceeds potential evaporation, therefore, moisture remains in the soil for use by plants. If snow or rainfall does not fall in winter, the seeds will not germinate in spring and the Rare Wildflower won’t bloom. Therefore; the magic beauty is best appreciated in photographs only.
Because the plants give off a foul smell like human body odor and give a nasty rash when touched, similar to touching poison ivy or poison oak. These beautiful photographs were taken by Guy Tal, who is a specialist in the landscapes of the Colorado Plateau and documents the rare desert blooms in stunning photographs. Visit his website for more pictures.Â