A life half experienced couldn’t enjoy as it deserved. Our lives are filled with so many little things that go unnoticed. Sunrises and sunsets are missing from our lives. The feeling we’re experiencing can go unnoticed for hours, or even days. There was no sign of the kind stranger helping the elderly man cross the street. It was hard to miss our spouse’s appreciative smile. We should live life the right way, not just chasing our desires and not enjoying our nature. We don’t enjoy our surroundings and keep running after unlimited wishes.
Due to the fact that we never looked at our coworker or asked about their day, we weren’t able to sense their desperation. The winter passed and we missed playing in the snow. Similarly, the spring bloomed and we overlooked the colors of flowers and nature’s beauty.
The summer and the fall passed so quickly that we did not even remember the trees changing or feel satisfied with the time we had spent outside. Why colors of life is gone from our lives? Why are we chasing so many things just for a few moments of pleasure? Running after desires and countless wishes. Locked inside and hidden behind machines, we missed the entire season. There are so many things, we missed and unnoticed.