
The History of Kalapuya Tribe

The History of Kalapuya Tribe The Kalapuyas (or Calapooyas or Calapooias) are one of eight tribes that belong to the Kalapuyan phylum. Kalapuya, or ka-la-POO-ya, is sometimes used to describe...

Rainbow Lorikeet – A Bird That Will Capture Your Attention

First illustrated in color in Peter Brown's Illustrations of Zoology in 1774, the rainbow lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) was...

Rainbow Eucalyptus – Most Amazing Tree on Earth

Eucalyptus deglupta is a beautiful tall tree, also famous as the Rainbow Eucalyptus Mindanao gum, or rainbow gum....

Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus)

Habitat: The Rainbow Bee-eater is a communal bird, whether residing on breeding grounds in southern and central Australia,...

Avocet: A Rare British Bird

Although the Avocet is still a rare British bird there is certainly never any problem of identification or...

Saudi Arabia Highway 10: World’s Longest Straight Road

Saudi Arabia's Highway 10 holds the amazing distinction of being the longest straight road in the world.   Everyone loves curving and twisting roads, but...

Pink Dolphin: The Mythical Looking Creature

Have you ever see a Pink Dolphin? Probably your answer will be “NO”. But here, you can see Pink Dolphin is a mythical-looking creature...

James Scott intentionally created a 14,000-acre flood to prevent his wife from returning home so he could continue having parties.

In 1993, a man named James Scott purposefully broke a levee, causing a large flood of the Mississippi River, to prevent his wife from...

A Rare 2,000 Years Old Collection of Coins Discovered in Mohenjo Daro

A Rare 2,000-Year-Old Collection of Coins Discovered in Mohenjo Daro. Just imagine having a rare piece of coins in your hands—something that has endured...

Orazio Vecchi 1551-1605

Orazio Vecchi (vek'-ke) was born in Modena (Italia). He obtained his musical instruction from the monk, Salvatore Essenga, well known for his compositions; a...

The Ancient Ceremonial Bowl at Sarmizegetusa Regia

In the Telescope Mystery, did the Geto Dacians learn about mirrors formed from a reflective liquid over 2000 years ago? The ancients practiced alchemy, such as vaporizing mercury to obtain gold. However, mercury was also used in reflecting telescopes. Similarly, the Geto Dacian...

Major Oak: Large English oak (Quercus robur)

Robin Hood’s Oak Sherwood Forest, England 1908. The Major Oak is a growing English oak (Quercus robur) located near the settlement of Edwinstowe in...

Xolos: Most Ancient Dog Breeds in World

Xolos are one of the world's oldest ancient dog breeds, originally from Mexico. Huge ears, a hairless appearance, and a beautiful, regal body define...

Mind-blowing Gold Bar Discovered from a Treasure Ship that sank in 1622 AD

A precious 5-pound solid gold bar with mint marks was discovered from the Spanish treasure ship 'Atocha' that sank in 1622 AD. The Spanish...

What Causes Lightning and Thunder

It is interesting to know what causes lightning and thunder. Lightning and thunder are due to the giant electrical show inside storm clouds. Contrary...