Sandy Beach is a product of weathering rock and the sea's drift. Countless molluscs and worms live inside the sand. While animals on its surface range from tiny sand...
An amazing tale of how nature took control of an Australian shipwreck and transformed it into something interesting. Thick mangroves have grown from the...
Thridrangar Lighthouse (ÞrÃdrangaviti Lighthouse) is known as the most isolated lighthouse in the world. Perhaps a lot of people are drawn to remote locations...
The "Dabous Giraffes" are the world's largest animal rock petroglyphs, situated a short distance from the Trans-Saharan Highway and roughly 110 km north of...
At one time, French nuclear testing was conducted in French Polynesia at the Moruroa and Fangataufa atolls. France carried out 193 nuclear tests between...
The ancient Roman aqueduct in modern-day Turkey, which dates back thousands of years, is a tribute to the Roman Empire's great architectural and aesthetically...