
The Wonderful World of Sandy Beach

Sandy Beach is a product of weathering rock and the sea's drift. Countless molluscs and worms live inside the sand. While animals on its surface range from tiny sand...

Big Galápagos Birds Can Develop in as Little as Two Generations

Big Galápagos Birds Can Develop in as Little as Two Generations. As we all know, nature is the...

Upcher’s Warbler (Hippolais languid)

The size of Upcher’s Warbler (Hippolais languid) is 13-14 cm in length. It is a larger and grayer...

White-tailed Tropicbird: The smallest of the tropicbirds

The white-tailed tropicbird (Phaethon lepturus) is the smallest of the tropicbirds. Behavior and Habitat: It is much more agile...

Mute Swan Size: Bigger Than Beauty of Gigantic Elegance

Mute Swan Size: This gigantic bird measures 1300–1600 mm (55 to 63 in) in length with a wingspan of...

Captivating Transformation of Australian Shipwreck by Nature’s Hands

An amazing tale of how nature took control of an Australian shipwreck and transformed it into something interesting. Thick mangroves have grown from the...

Harras of Dhamar – Staggering Volcanic Area in Yemen

Yemen has a volcanic field called the Harras of Dhamar (هاراس دامار). The volcanic area, which stretches 80 km (50 mi) east of the...

Thridrangar Lighthouse – Most isolated lighthouse in the world

Thridrangar Lighthouse (Þrídrangaviti Lighthouse) is known as the most isolated lighthouse in the world. Perhaps a lot of people are drawn to remote locations...

Dabous Giraffes: The Largest Animal Rock Petroglyphs in Niger

The "Dabous Giraffes" are the world's largest animal rock petroglyphs, situated a short distance from the Trans-Saharan Highway and roughly 110 km north of...

Where to Drive Fast in Dubai Legally

Where to Drive Fast in Dubai Legally Whether you are driving on the roads or in the school zone, it is important to understand all...

French Nuclear Testing in French Polynesia 1966 and 1996

At one time, French nuclear testing was conducted in French Polynesia at the Moruroa and Fangataufa atolls. France carried out 193 nuclear tests between...

Ancient Roman Aqueduct Great Architectural and Aesthetically Pleasing Skills

The ancient Roman aqueduct in modern-day Turkey, which dates back thousands of years, is a tribute to the Roman Empire's great architectural and aesthetically...

Daisugi Technique to Prune Plants for Future Generations

Being a true nature lover, have you ever heard about the Japanese daisugi technique to prune upper branches for future generations? For more than...

Where should you go on vacation if you are a student?

Where should you go on vacation if you are a student? As a student, the anticipation of taking a well-deserved vacation can fill your mind...

First Licensed Female Doctor in Their Respective Countries 1885

It must be a proud moment for any woman who is the first licensed female doctor in their respective countries. Anandibai Joshi of India,...