The Umpqua Hot Springs are a stunning collection of geothermal springs situated at a height of 2,640 feet along the North Umpqua River in the U.S. state of Oregon....
The Black Cuckoo (Cuculus clamosus) is an Afrotropical species. In southern Africa, it is a summer-breeding visitor with a largely tropical distribution, which extends...
American Goldfinch Sounds
Birds have their own language, as any bird lover can attest. The melodious American Goldfinch song and the different sounds the species...
Common Hawk-cuckoo Call
There is evidence to suggest some small birds resemble sparrow hawks, Accipiter nisus, when responding to common cuckoos, Cuculus canorus. Many of...
Bald Eagle Sounds:
Various vocalizations are made by bald eagles, including songs, calls, screaming, screeching, and alarm calls. Communication and social behavior are facilitated by...
A spotted flycatcher call includes a thin, squeaky ‘zeee’, a sharp 'chick', and a ‘zee-zucc’ of alarm. Bill snaps when fly-catching. The Spotted Flycatcher...
Grey-headed Honeyeater call is single chek, chek in-flight; weak 'alarm-clock' trill. The song of Grey-headed Honeyeater is kwoyt-kwoyt-kwoyt, repeated rapidly on the same pitch.