Clever Crow Make Nest from Hangers – Crow is such a clever & smart improvising bird, who has stolen hangers from nearby houses to make a comfortable nest at Kyushu University in Fukuoka City. The large-billed crow “Japonensis” builds the nest with wire coat hangers. The flexibility and diameter are super perfect for a comfortable house for Jungle Crows. Normally crows would work in pairs to remove the clothing from the hangers and then one would fly off with the hanger.
During the breeding season, the massive blackouts due to short-circuiting are caused by hanger nests built atop power pools and pylons. The Kyushu Electric power company had a crow patrol party, that look out of nearby areas and destroy the hangar nest on their power grid. Crows are famous as highly intelligent birds, and in this story, they teach us how important to recycle wasted things.
The common crow builds nests with interlocking twigs collected from nearby trees, shrubs, and sometimes thick plastic. The hanger’s nests are also found in other cities in Japan. The intricate nests are almost like super artwork. The Tokyo residents observe many nests are built with their coat hangers.
On the other side, this is ashamed for humans that are no longer enough trees, twigs, and whatever is left in these areas for crows to build their nests in and with. It would be cool to see a progression of pictures showing the construction of Crow’s Make Nest from Hangers.

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