Well, of all the small spring bulbs the Crocus Flower is the favorite among flower lovers. It is not the earliest to bloom, but when it does, often pokes up out of the snow in such bright colors. It seems to tell you that if it can get through the rest of winter and mud season without looking grim, so can you.
Most of the crocuses normally grow are hybrids of Crocus vernus or C. hrysanthus. And have showy flowers in shades of yellow, purple lavender, and white. Some are striped, and all have handsome yellow stamens.
Moreover, the large-flowered Dutch hybrids are the most popular, but if you want to search out other kinds of crocuses you may be able to stretch the blooming period. Some, such as the lavender C. speciosus, even bloom in fall. C. sativus which is lavender or white is the crocus from which the prized spice saffron comes.
The bright orange stamens are dried to make this costly seasoning. Most crocuses are hardy and do best in cool climates. They grow from corms. Crocus is a genus of flowering plants in the iris family comprising 90 species of perennials growing from corms
Further, if someone wants to grow Crocus Flowers, then most gardeners like crocuses not only because they are a spring message of cheer but also because they are trouble-free, permanent plantings that multiply by themselves and needn’t be divided.
They can be naturalized in the grass, but as with any bulb with foliage that persists after bloom. They should not be moved while the leaves are still green.
Crocuses like full sun or part shade. Moreover, the best place to plant is a sunny and sheltered spot for early bloom and some others in a cooler. Â
Soil is required not to be rich but must be well-drained. Plant them about 4 inches apart, four inches deep in early fall. Plant fall-blooming crocuses as soon as they become available in late summer.