In terms of chemotherapy, pemetrexed is fairly new. Several years after it had been in clinical trials, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved it in 2004. Cisplatin is commonly given with pemetrexed, but it can also be given alone. Through its interaction with enzymes (proteins that speed up chemical reactions), the drug prevents cancer cells from replicating.
Folate is a B vitamin that cancer cells use to create new genetic material. By blocking folate, its growth and replication are hindered. Folic acid and vitamin B12 must be taken before, during, and after treatment with Pemetrexed in order to reduce the chances of side effects. Pemetrexed is usually prescribed in conjunction with folic acid tablets for at least five to seven days. As long as you have not taken Pemetrexed for 21 days, you should continue taking folic acid every day. Pemetrexed must be started within a week of getting a B-12 injection. During this chemotherapy, you will receive shots of B-12 about every nine weeks.
Pemetrexed is known to cause decreased blood counts, fatigue, nausea, and vomiting among its side effects. A rash, as well as skin reactions, can occur with Pemetrexed, so call your doctor immediately if you notice any rash while taking it. If you are experiencing skin reactions during the chemotherapy infusion, your doctor may prescribe steroid tablets for you to take the day before, the day of and the day after the infusion.
Diarrhea and decreased appetite are also common side effects of pemetrexed. It can cause dehydration if diarrhea or vomiting becomes too severe (if your body loses more fluid than it takes in, so your body does not have enough water to function normally). You should consult your doctor if you develop sores in your mouth (stomatitis) so they can be treated as soon as possible.
Pemetrexed is administered intravenously once every 21 days (once every three weeks). The injection takes over 10 minutes to complete. You must take the drug at a dose that is appropriate for your age, height, weight, and general health. During your treatment with Pemetrexed, your doctor may examine you and draw a complete blood count to make sure the drug hasn’t decreased your blood cell counts too much.
Another drug that has been found to be effective for mesothelioma is Navelbine. The treatment is usually administered after pemetrexed and cisplatin have been given or if the performance status of the patient is poor. Infusions of navelbine are administered intravenously (IV push) or intravenously (IV infusion).
This is done on a weekly basis. Taking the medication orally (by mouth) is not an option. It works by vesicating the tissue (it can cause tissue damage and blisters if it escapes from the vein). During or after the Navelbine infusion, you should notify your doctor if you experience any pain, redness, or swelling at the IV site. Nabilbine, like all chemotherapies, can also affect normal cells, which can result in low blood counts as well as fatigue, nausea, and hair loss.
If you experience constipation while taking Navelbine, your doctor may prescribe a stool softener or laxative for you to relieve it. It is imperative to discuss joint pain, muscle weakness, or jaw pain with your doctor if these symptoms develop. The drug can similarly result in peripheral neuropathy (numbness, tingling, burning, pain, or weakness in the hands and/or feet). Navelbine is likely to be prescribed to you and monitored by your doctor during treatment to ensure you do not experience any side effects.
It has sometimes been thought that radiation causes mesothelioma. The treatment of pain caused by cancer has involved radiation. The fact that some studies have shown it may have benefits implies that it is not recommended as a primary treatment option.
The use of radiation therapy is now being investigated in conjunction with surgery and chemotherapy as a means to destroy cancerous cells left over after surgery and prevent them from returning. It is imperative to conduct more research in this field, and clinical trials are currently underway that are exploring the best treatments for people suffering from mesothelioma.