It is inevitable to embrace struggle and honor it, as we will have to go through some real struggles if we are to significantly advance our lives. There is no point in complaining about it or failing to anticipate it. A time when striving through the trial was considered a virtue by those who lived in those days. I was taught that struggle was a necessary effort for heroism, cultural advancement, and the improvement of human beings.
It was a celebrated context in which we demonstrated ourselves, improved ourselves, and realized ourselves; it was the celebration of achieving higher ambitions. Our weaknesses can only be exposed and expelled there, in the depths of effort, hardship, and frustration, our lives can be transformed, our dreams can be attained, and our humanity can be developed in the depths of hardship and frustration. Over the course of history, those who struggled with honor for the sake of mighty ends have not been pitied but have been admired and remembered for their accomplishments.
As we make our way through life, we must remember that the power to direct our destiny comes only from a mindset that makes us willing to struggle through learning, effort, and growth in order to reach our goals.
It is inevitable to embrace struggle and honor it, as we will have to go through some real struggles if we are to significantly advance our lives.
It is inevitable to embrace struggle and honor it, as we will have to go through some real struggles if we are to significantly advance our lives. Source
Despite this, the majority of people hate the struggle that is required to advance. In spite of their great angst, they complain that the road to independence and abundance is too difficult, too difficult, too slow and that it is just too inconvenient. In the absence of a straightforward and straightforward journey to success, the journey will never get started.
The main reason why people refuse to return to school is that it will take too much time. Often, people do not exercise because they do not see results within a short period of time. Due to the fact that it would require them to add more work to their already hectic schedules, they don’t fight for their dreams.
There is now an entire generation that has narrowed its vision and efforts, because they are scared to discover their limits, try new things, and develop new skills, for fear of the hardships that come with it. It has resulted in a stunningly large segment of the population that is overweight, inattentive, unskilled, and dissatisfied as a result. As if the real effort was not made, a kind that involves prolonged learning and nights of pain and frustration, then it is as if the real effort is not made at all.
We have become accustomed to stopping progress whenever we encounter an inconvenience. One might wonder if the patience and persistence that are required to accomplish anything worthwhile have become a thing of the past as if it were a thing of the past. Our hope is that this won’t happen because it is only by focusing on advancing our lives that we will be able to reach our full potential and achieve freedom in our lives.
There will be none of us who will wake up tomorrow and say, “I do not wish to advance my life.” But the wishes we make are not what governs who we are and what we want in life. It is only our actions that determine who we are and what we want in life. We must therefore rise tomorrow with the intention of moving forward with our minds set for success. It is time to be bold once again. Whenever we face any concerns, we should remember to keep the following in mind: All that we need is within us, fortune favors the brave, and action alone will lead us to the next step.
I would like to make an appeal to and encourage all of us to strive towards something we choose as meaningful, with a conviction so pure and powerful that we advance with great leaps forward. The cause of advancement must be our goal for the sake of growth and giving, and we must commit ourselves to it.
We will no longer wait for permission, proper timing, or ease of progress in our lives in order to quickly move forward. Now let us move on to the next step. In order for us to achieve the freedom we crave for our loved ones we have to work hard, gain influence, render service, share power, and gain freedom for our families. Let us advance and begin to accomplish great things in the future. It is now. Read More – How to Turn a Disadvantage into an Advantage?


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