HomeNatureExtreme Weather Turned Mount Javornik into the Kingdom Of Ice
Extreme Weather Turned Mount Javornik into the Kingdom Of Ice
Extreme Weather Conditions Turned Mount Javornik into the Kingdom Of Ice. Slovenian photographer Marko Korošec knew to save some memorable pictures of extreme weather conditions when ice and snow formed impressive structures. But what he saw after a long climb to Mount Javornik surpassed his expectations.
After hard ten days of strong Bora wind, snow, and freezing fog soaring over Slovenia, the daredevil Korošec set out to Mount Javornik, eager to capture whatsoever bewilderment might be waiting up there. Once he reaches the top of the mountain, clearing weather showed the sight of a widespread skiing resort covered in tremendously thick and hard ice rime, forming sharp, ghostly structures, longest spikes reaching over 1 meter.
Well, I’d love exciting weather full of snow, and I’ve seen a lot, but this was simply above my imagination what I’ve experienced this time” says Korošec, who specializes in photographing weather phenomena.