El Paso County is high into the Rockies, so you can see some of Colorado’s most gorgeous sites for any hiker. There is a magical geological formation just a mile south of the town of Calhan, rising over 500 feet in elevation. The area is known as Paint Mines Interpretive Park and is located 30 miles east of Colorado Springs.

The prehistoric and historic occupations tend to have been mined by the Native Americans as long as ten thousand years ago for their pottery and ceremonial purposes. The wonder of nature shows many colors of clay, from yellow to pink, red to orange, hoodoos, and capped spires. The unbelievable stone shapes textured the 750 acres of this park due to the exposure to water, wind, harsh weather, and erosion.

There are fragile stones whose archaeological significance as artifacts has been known for many centuries. The array of rainbow colors of sandstones and clays used for arrowheads makes the region a Technicolor marvel for any traveler. Each year, the Paint Mines Interpretive Park is visited by geological enthusiasts, hikers, bird watchers, nature lovers, and anyone looking for an ethereal escape.

The best time to visit the area is in the evening or morning, either in the spring or fall. Therefore, avoid going after a downpour, as the clay areas tend to get muddy and make it difficult to walk. Â The colors of nature relaxed you with the light change to see the shapes of rocks. Though it is a paradise for hikers, anyone who is interested in nature can enjoy the serenity and unusual rock formations.

Paint Mines Interpretive Park is protected by law due to its fragile environment. There is no entrance fee; however, hikers are restricted to the trails. You cannot bring animals, as rocks are too easily broken. Also, dogs, motorized vehicles, bicycles, horses, and camping are not allowed in the area.

However, what sets these trails apart from so many others isn’t their challenging peaks, but their extraordinary geological formations. However, while these strange shapes with their explosions of colors have been formed over many years, they are fragile, too. Paint Mines Interpretive Park trail is about 3.4 miles. It is heavily trafficked and features stunning wildflowers and a diverse ecological system, with a grouping of prairie, wetlands, and badlands. Which attracts songbirds, coyotes, falcons, snakes, hawks, mule deer, pronghorn antelope, horned toads, and rabbits.