The spotted turtle-dove was released in Australia for the first time in 1870 in Melbourne. Other releases followed in Adelaide (1881), Perth (1898), and Brisbane (1912). Currently, it can be found in all of the mainland’s capitals and in many other cities. Between Mossman, northern Queensland, and Melbourne, it is found in large towns and agricultural districts. It appears that the Spotted turtle dove was introduced to Australia by birds of the Chinese and Malayan races.
It is now common for Australian birds to display characteristics of all of these at the same time. From large with deep gray vents and plain shoulders around Melbourne and Adelaide, to small with whitish vents and black-streaked shoulders in northeastern Queensland, they are generally large with deep gray vents and plain shoulders.
The doves released around Melbourne in the 1940s were of the big, pale Chinese race, whereas those released in northeastern Queensland were of the small, darker Malaysian subspecies, or else their traits were selected by their environment. Eastern Australia’s agricultural land, creek margins, and swamp margins are covered with scrub.
Despite their different sizes, and food and habitat requirements, Spotted Turtle-Doves and Bar-shouldered Doves are closely related. Observations in the field indicate that native dove numbers decline and disappear as Spotted Turtle-Dove populations increase.
Related Reading: Laughing Turtle-Dove (Spilopelia senegalensis)