Tag: water

Pingualuit Crater – Well-Preserved Circular Meteorite Crater

In the far north of Quebec, a province in Canada lies an excellent natural wonder a circular lake of blue waters confined within the...

Horizontal Waterfalls: A Spectacle of Tidal Forces of Talbot Bay

The horizontal waterfalls are located in Western Australia's Kimberley region, a unique and stunning natural phenomenon. The spectacular gorges and surrounding landscapes are created...

The Mesmerizing Hydropolis Underwater Hotel, Dubai

If you want to see the most thrilling and exciting views, the Underwater Hotel Dubai is the perfect place. Around the world, it is...

The Incredible Magdeburg Water Bridge in Germany

Water bridge structures that carry navigable waterway canals over other rivers, valleys, railways, or roads. It is an uncommon concept in the world, and...

How To Make Glow in The Dark Paint

How to make stunning decor for kids' rooms? Because your children always look for something creative & strange things. This is a very easy...

Water Tower Converted Into Livable Home

A 30-meter-high water tower was converted into a livable home by architect Mauro Brigham (Bham Design Studio) in Belgium. The tower was constructed somewhere...