Depression and Highschool: How to Stay on Track?

Depression is a mental disorder that can manifest itself during any period of life, starting from the earliest age and depression in high school students. But there are periods when people are more prone to depression, including the time when students visit the high school.
This mental disorder leads to mood swings, negative thoughts, and apathy. That is why it is important to recognize depression and know how to cope with it during your studying period and throughout life. In this article, we will shed light on the question does highschool cause depression and how to fight it.
Depression is a mental disorder that can manifest itself during any period of life, starting from the earliest age and depression in high school students.
Depression is a mental disorder that can manifest itself during any period of life, starting from the earliest age and depression in high school students. Source

Why Does Highschool Depression Appear?

Students visit the high school during the leading time between childhood and adulthood. That is why students often face many challenges on the path of a teenager.

Emotional Instability

A large amount of homework, problems in the family, or in socializing with classmates often harm the mental health of teenagers whose nervous system is not resistant to stress. That is why depression in high schools is very common, and teens need to observe their mental health.
Besides, children of this age go through puberty period, and hormonal changes, and they also face new realities of life that they cannot overcome on their own.

Lack of Understanding

There are many answers to the question why does high school cause depression? because the problem may lie in too much homework, the demands of teachers, or a lack of understanding by parents about their child’s goals and plans. The teenager may also struggle with finding common ground with classmates or other students of the school.
As teenagers grow up, they begin to build their boundaries and aggressively defend themselves so that they can become more irritable and prone to conflicts. Their interests and views change, and it becomes increasingly difficult for them to find real friends.

Status Among Peers

The highschool causes depression indeed. Some teenagers want to have a certain status among their peers, for example, to be the best in some subject or have noticeable achievements in sports training.
If the teen fails to meet his or her goal, he or she may feel depressed and sad. In the worst case, the teen may face bullying and other types of violence from peers. Unfortunately, there are rare cases when children bully others because of certain preferences, school grades, and other aspects.
If teenagers can not defend themselves, there is a risk that the bullying will intensify, and they will not be able to cope without the help of teachers or parents.

Post-Traumatic Symptom

When teenagers experience terrible scenarios of domestic violence, are victims of rape, and witness other crimes, it leaves an imprint on their psyche for a long time.
Teens who suffer from post-traumatic symptoms can hide their real feelings for a long time, perceive and interpret information differently, and have periodic bouts of anxiety and a feeling that something bad is about to happen. Also, such people may distrust everyone around them, which can lead to absolute isolation from society.
That is why the support of others is so important for teens, and they require a lot of attention and frank conversations.

What Is High School Depression Statistics

Depression can often be so strong that a teen may even have intrusive thoughts of suicide. Unfortunately, in the United States, the mortality rate of teenagers shows that every second child becomes a victim of suicidal thoughts.
The disappointing teen depression statistics expose a huge problem, which must be controlled by both parents and teachers, as well as teenagers themselves, in order not to commit such acts. It is important not to bring yourself to such a state and to correct the problem at the first stages. It is worth paying attention to such signs as:
  • Apathy;
  • Aggressive behavior;
  • Insomnia;
  • Eating disorders;
  • Long-term sadness.
You should immediately contact the specialist if you notice one of the signs of depression we listed above. Contacting a specialized psychologist will help to avoid the deterioration of your health and save your life.

How Can I Cope with Depression Myself?

You should not better try to heal without any specialized help. However, you can try to spend more time outside, walk with friends, and surround yourself with positive people. Try to love yourself and understand that your mental health is your number one priority.
You also need to listen to your feelings and never neglect them. Remember that your physical health is not important.

Is the Percentage of Teenagers With Depression that High?

High school may cause depression; therefore, parents should pay attention to the mental health of teenagers. Parents should also ensure their children do not overwork and have time for parties with friends. This is imperative because statistics hint at the lack of such moments and, as a result, cause teenage depression.
According to the statistics, 3.2 million teenagers suffer from this disease at least once a year. 13% of children aged 12 to 17 periodically experience sadness and other manifestations of depression. The 20% belong to teens who have already had thoughts of suicide or even attempted to commit it.
A large amount of homework, problems in the family, or in socializing with classmates often harm the mental health of teenagers whose nervous system is not resistant to stress.
A large amount of homework, problems in the family, or in socializing with classmates often harm the mental health of teenagers whose nervous system is not resistant to stress. Source


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