Meet a Boy Who is Turning into Stone. Here is a chance to meet a boy, whose skin started to peel after 15 days after his birth. Ramesh Darji looks like a baby boy of some other world, can be described by thick black scales, and his condition gradually entombing him since.
This type of skin is called “Ichthyosis” which causes scales to grow on the body. As Ramesh grows, his condition is gradually turning him into a stone statue. His condition has taken his ability to walk or even talk, and his skin grows seven times faster than normal.
Remesh parents are struggling to find his cure. Therefore Doctors are surprised and believe the fungal infection is the reason for his condition. The kids are not even come close to him so, no one wants to make him friends.
The kids are feared by him as he is steadily getting worse. Ramesh lives with his family in Baglung a remote Nepalese region. His parents said; he’s only able to point out his hunger or wants to use the toilet. We’re unable to understand him when he’s crying, but we didn’t understand what actually thing is hurting him. We didn’t have sufficient money to cure his disease, which is extremely very costly.
When our all hopes were lost, one day, British Singer Joss Stone, come out from an unexpected source. The singer has shown a video of him struggling kid, fighting with his life makes viral on social media. Therefore, Joss and her team performed in Nepal to support this kid by raising £1,375 for his treatment through the Joss Stone Foundation. She showed great empathy for Ramesh’s condition and really want to help him.
Now, Ramesh is getting treatment. However, Doctors are optimistic about his improvement and quality of life. Dr. Sabina Bhattrai explained his condition; he was really in a bad state when he was admitted. We’ve to go through a painful process of removing scales from his body.
So, over the period of some treatment, his condition is improving by giving him antibiotics to avoid infections and applying drugs and moisturizer on his body to remove the dead skin. His parents are highly thankful to Joss Stone, whose initiative to help our son, and we’ll not have any words to thank her, and nobody else could do here. I owe my life to her.
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