A Mental Projection of Fear
We live in a world where many people seek to stoke our doubts and fears. However, the vast majority of people will seek to support us. Pulling us up will be more common than pushing us down. Our friends and family know that by allowing us to pursue our dreams unencumbered, they are silently permitting themselves to do the same. Our family and supporters are all around us, and we should never hesitate to ask for their help, inspiration, and wisdom, regardless of how many bores and bastards we meet in life. Although we are frequently socially cued and conditioned to fear, most of our fears are actually the result of mental dereliction. By barely using our mental faculties, we misuse them.

As our home burns, we hold the extinguisher in our hands but choose not to use it because we’d have to aim, which is like having the extinguisher in our hands but refusing to use it because we lack discipline. Are we often guilty of letting worry burn rather than combating it with conscious thought?
Isn’t it common for us to obsess over negative things so much that they grow into a great scorching fire of anxiety? The fear of foreseeable thought patterns that people can anticipate, control, and transform has caused many people to ignore the fact that it has been happening so often and for so long that they are unaware of it.
Like a sad child holding a burst balloon she herself popped, they constantly feel afraid and think they can’t do anything about it. Identify how our minds cultivate fear now, once and for all. We can prepare ourselves for how our minds will tear us from happiness and progress just as we can expect worriers, weaklings, and wicked people to derail us. We feel fear in life primarily because of our anticipation of two kinds of pain. Because of the pain associated with loss and pain associated with hardship.
Taking any given action can result in loss and pain, a thought pattern where we worry about losing something we cherish. Our fear of changing jobs comes from not wanting to lose our compensation, our friendships with coworkers, or our corner office. The subtle decisions people make throughout their lives reflect this thought pattern.
The first thing we think is, If I go on a new diet, I’m afraid I’ll lose the joy I get from eating my favorite foods.”
I’m afraid to quit smoking because I’ll lose the 20 minutes of peace I get from going outside and taking long drags.
I’m afraid that I’ll lose love if I leave the jerk and I can’t find anyone else to love.
Analyzing this thought pattern closely, and then reversing it, is the only way to overcome it. It is crucial to question the validity of our anticipation of loss as soon as we are aware of it. Fears are often faulty, quick assumptions made by a tired or redirection mind when we look for evidence of them.
Small, poorly conditioned people may guess that things will go badly, while intelligent, self-aware people can draw logical conclusions based on real-life evidence. Making healthy decisions for yourself always has less to lose than to gain when we examine our fears of dieting, quitting bad habits, or leaving a bad relationship.
It takes intelligence and optimism to re-frame this issue. Questioning our assumptions is the first step to exploring the opposite of our worries, focusing obsessively on what we might gain if we change. Could we discover new foods and recipes we love as we begin the new diet? How about quitting smoking and learning new practices that make us even more relaxed? How would we feel if we finally found joy in a new romantic relationship? In the same way that we visualize scenes of loss, we should visualize these outcomes as well.
Rather than living in a long nightmare of obstructiveness, dream up and focus on the positive instead. We fear change when we anticipate adversity as a second thought pattern. There’s a fear we’ll hurt ourselves if we do something. As a result, we allow that worry to stop us from acting. We worry that we are not capable, worthy, or ready.
Doesn’t this seem like a pathetic use of mental energy? The majority of what we need to succeed can be learned with enough time, effort, and dedication, doesn’t it? Do you not believe that most great achievements were achieved by people who had no idea what they were doing and had to struggle for years before their dreams became a reality? It wasn’t always easy to ride a bike, use a computer, or make love, but we figured it out.
For a decade we struggled to figure out how to land on the moon, even though we had no idea how to do it. The impossible became possible for us. Individuals and species are interconnected in this way. Our concentrations are so small in so many cases, yet we let them be. We think I’m scared to go on a diet because I don’t know if I can learn all these new recipes fast enough or endure a 30-minute workout. Hence, quitting smoking will make it difficult to know what to do with my hands without a cigarette in them.”
I’m too scared to leave my bad relationship because finding someone new online sounds like a hassle.” We are more than these small thoughts. We will eventually reach a point in maturity when maturity pounces on us, asking “Are you not more than the little inconveniences you worry about?” Wouldn’t it be worth it to have a better life?
It is only through questioning and reversing these thought patterns that we can break these patterns. We can learn and endure more difficult things in the past if we simply reflect, and we can learn and endure what is needed now. Keep in mind, your fears will snatched your freedom.
Life’s problems can be managed with the tools within. Rather than fearing the struggle, perhaps we could enjoy it. Imagining ourselves learning to cook new foods can make us feel excited. Working out with my friends is something I am looking forward to. I am excited to quit smoking because I can see myself walking up the stairs without getting winded.”
Finding real love and enjoying life with my soul mate is more important to me than my last relationship. In order to learn toward freedom, let’s fire up our enthusiasm. Regardless of what we believe about ourselves, we have the capacity to learn and grow. We must start now, for destiny favors those who are bold. This may seem like mere wishful thinking to some. How do you feel about it? Should we continue to think negatively?
We may experience loss and adversity in life, but what good will come from focusing on those things? When we let fear reign due to our own mental laziness, there is no self-awareness. Our thoughts can be used more forcefully to combat our fears on a daily basis. Either we will be free or we will be destroyed by our thoughts. A mature person comprehends that freedom is a choice only one can make.
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