
The Violet-crowned Hummingbird

Description One of the several representatives of the genus Agyrtria, which has been subsumed in its entirety into Amazilia. Violet-crowned Hummingbird looks very similar to the Green-fronted Hummingbird but has...

Matucana krahnii: Stunning little clustering cactus

Matucana krahnii is a species of matucana in the family CACTACEAE. There are more than five known locations...

Jaguarundi: A Small and Beautiful South American Cat

The enigma is the jaguarundi (Puma Yagouaroundi). This small South American cat looks different from any other small...

The Shy Red-lored Whistler

DESCRIPTION The beautiful Red-lored Whistler “Pachycephala rufogularis” is one of a group of three large whistlers that, are endemic...

Asian Great Barbet (Psilopogon Virens)

The Great Barbet, “Psilopogon virens” is an Asian barbet, a group of near passerine birds with a worldwide...

Hiking Trails and Green Spaces in Minneapolis

Hiking Trails and Green Spaces in Minneapolis Minneapolis, often referred to as the "City of Lakes," is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. Beyond its vibrant...

The Ultimate Outdoor Adventure: Hiking and Camping Essentials

Hiking and Camping Essentials Hiking and camping are two of the most exciting outdoor adventures. A trip to the great outdoors allows us to reconnect...

Tips for Campers on Foot Comfort

Tips for Campers on Foot Comfort - Fishing, hunting, or camping can be ruined by sore, blistered, aching, or cold feet. First, let's take...

How to Survive in the Wilderness? Tips for When You’re Lost

How to Survive in the Wilderness: - If you find yourself lost, the first step is to remain calm and take a moment to assess...

Benefits of Hiking

Benefits of Hiking: A popular outdoor activity that involves walking on trails or paths, usually in natural settings such as forests, mountains, or parks....

Interested in Hiking? Here’s How to Get Started

If you're interested in hiking, but don't know how to get started, this is the perfect article for you. Hiking can be a great...