Mysterious Things

Kallima inachus – Perfect Camouflage Butterfly Seems Dead Leaf when Wings are Closed

Kallima inachus butterfly is found throughout tropical Asia from India to Japan. Where it is known by different names, i.e., orange oakleaf, Indian oakleaf, or dead leaf. Its closed wings...

Pale-yellow Robin – Mesmerizing Sedentary Bird of Rain forest

Habitats: Pale-yellow Robin (Tregellasia capito) habitats are located along the central and northeast coasts of Australia in upland...

Pholisma Sonorae – The Most Bizarre Wildflower

It is commonly observed that nature is extremely strange. The naked eyes sometimes nonplus the human beings. In...

How Do Blowholes Work?

How Do Blowholes Work? Well, the question is, how do blowholes work? Let's do a deep dive and learn...

The American dipper (Cinclus mexicanus)

The American dipper (Cinclus mexicanus), also known as a water ouzel.  It is a fascinating dark gray bird found in fast-flowing, boulder-strewn...

The Strange Ouija Board

The Ouija Board has a long and strange sordid history as a board game. This was first brought to the commercial market by a...

Phormingochilus Pennellhewletti – A New Species of Spider

Tattoo artist Mark Pennell and his friend Dean Hewlett spent £30,000 scouring the world’s jungles looking for a new species of spider. He was...

The Mysterious Cymothoa Exigua

This pale little bug is Cymothoa exigua, also known as the Tongue-Eating Louse or the Tongue Isopod. They enter through the gills as juveniles,...

Shocking Photos of Halls of An Asylum

Shocking Photos of Halls of An Asylum Here are some truly shocking photos of what it used to be like to walk the halls of...

Trovants – The Mysterious Living Stones of Romania

Trovants couldn’t believe they are real. The mysterious living stones of Romania grow when it rains and move from one place to another without...

Mystery of Giant Arrows Scattered Across the United States

These are peculiar concrete markings that have amazingly been spotted all across America, prompting hikers and travelers to be curious about what on Earth...

The Mystical Green Stone of Hattusa, Turkey

The roughly cubic block of nephrite known as the Green Stone of Hattusa is situated among the remnants of the Great Temple at Hattusa,...

Valentina Vassilyeva, The world’s most fertile mother gave birth to 69 children

Valentina Vassilyeva, a Russian woman, holds the record for having given birth to the most children in her lifetime. While reports about families with...

The Mind-blowing Giant Groundsels (Dendrosenecio kilimanjari)

The ancient plants known as Giant Groundsels (Dendrosenecio kilimanjari) are located atop Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania. They arose at altitudes above 14,000 feet around...

Mysterious Ancient Camel Sculptures in Saudi desert

Mysterious Ancient Camel Sculptures in Saudi desert. Squinting in the Saudi desert, an unprecedented archaeological discovery of camels carved on russet-hued rocky spurs could...