Mysterious Things

Kallima inachus – Perfect Camouflage Butterfly Seems Dead Leaf when Wings are Closed

Kallima inachus butterfly is found throughout tropical Asia from India to Japan. Where it is known by different names, i.e., orange oakleaf, Indian oakleaf, or dead leaf. Its closed wings...

Western Gerygone Song: Best Melodious Song for Bird Enthusiastic

There is a meandering melody to the western gerygone song, naturally composed of a series of clear, high-pitched...

Yareta – A 3000 Years Old Alien-looking Plant

Yareta is a green and alien-looking growing plant in South America. On first inspection, you might consider that...

Pyracantha – Forever Green Plant That is Easy to Grow

Pyracantha is the scientific name for firethorn plants, an evergreen plant that is easy to grow and provides...

Trumpet Manucode (Manucodia keraudrenii)

Trumpet Manucode are aberrant birds of paradise that breed in monogamous pairs, lack patches of metallic color, and...

The Strange Hessdalen Lights Phenomenon

The presence of strange balls of light hovering over a valley in central Norway has puzzled scientists for years. The Hessdalen lights are unexplained...

The Black Knight Satellite

This universe is full of strange things happening over the years, and centuries. Some things are extremely clueless for human beings, and even science...

Jatinga – Birds Mystery Suicides Occurs Every Year

Jatinga, is an Indian village on a ridge, is located in Dima Hasao District, Assam State, approximately 330 kilometers south of Guwahati. Jatinga is...