Trees & Plants

Why should you choose a 5-star hotel as your accommodation on a trip?

5-star hotel as your accommodation on a trip? Whenever individuals are planning any trip for pleasure purposes, then definitely everybody will be craving the best possible facilities and portfolio of...

How to Grow Pulmonaria Plant

Pulmonaria plant used to be called “lungwort. Its spotted leaves resembled diseased lungs and, in the homeopathic tradition...

Morocco Goats Climbs Argan Tree in the Search of Food

This happened in Morocco Goats climbed the Argan tree in search of food. It's hard to believe that...

The Red-naped Trogon (Harpactes kasumba)

The Red-naped Trogon (Harpactes kasumba) is a species of bird belonging to the Trogonidae family. The bird is...

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo (Zanda funerea)

In the eucalypt forests and pine plantations of Southeast Australia, yellow-tailed black cockatoos call with long-carrying wailing cries...

World’s Most Beautiful Tree Tunnels Revealed

Well, when true nature branches out, it is nothing short of magical. Whether they’re formed unintentionally, naturally, or with a slight helping hand, “Mother...

Top 25 Oak Facts You Should Know

Oak Facts The oak tree is a deciduous tree that grows in temperate zones around the world, and it is one of the most important...

The Strange Bottle Tree of Queensland

The strange Bottle Tree of Queensland is nature's wonderful gift. The Queensland bottle tree "Brachychiton Rupestris" also known as a narrow-leaved bottle tree, It...

The Facts of Halesia tetraptera

The common silverbell is also known as the mountain silverbell, Carolina silverbell, or Halesia tetraptera. The Carolina silverbell can be planted along stream banks,...

Birch (Betula alba)

Birch (Betula alba) is a graceful native tree that will refresh your life and fill it with excitement and passion. The bark of a...

The Whistler Tree in Portugal

The Whistler Tree is a more than 235 years old natural wonder in old cork oak from Águas de Moura, Palmela, Portugal. This cork...

The Black Sapote – Chocolate Pudding Fruit

The Black Sapote “Diospyros nigra” is a species of persimmon in the family Ebenaceae. It is also called “chocolate pudding fruit” and black snap...

Gloriosa Superba – A Precious Medicinal Plant

Gloriosa superba is an important medicinal plant in Asia and Africa. It is used in diseases and is in high demand in pharma industries...

Ficus – Most Popular House Plant

One of the most popular houseplants is the weeping fig, also called Ficus benjamina”, normally just called “ficus”. Though related to the edible fig,...

Larch – An Evergreen Wild Tree

Larches look for the entire world like evergreen trees. Larches are conifers in the genus Larix, in the family Pinaceae. Larch is also called...