South America

The Shiprock New Mexico

Shiprock New Mexico or “The Winged Rock” is a monadnock rising approximately 1,583 feet above the high-desert plain of the Navajo Nation in San Juan County, New Mexico, United...

House Sparrow Calls and Song

Every morning, you probably heard unnoticed house sparrow calls and songs. These birds are daily visitors so, ignorance...

Orange-footed Scrubfowl (Megapodius reinwardt)

Family: The orange-footed scrubfowl (Megapodius reinwardt) is a member of the Megapode family Megapodiidae in the genus Megapodius. Distribution:...

Mississippi Kite Call

The Mississippi kite (Ictinia mississippiensis) is a member of the family Accipitridae, a group of diurnal birds of...

White-browed scrubwren – Discover the Lives of Nature’s Orchestra

Habitats and Behavior: The white-browed scrubwren (Sericornis frontalis) is one of the most widespread, abundant, and familiar of Australia's...

Mocona Falls: The Parallel Wonder That Mirroring the River’s Course

Have you ever come upon a waterfall that is renowned for its length rather than its height? Everyone knows the most popular waterfall in...

The Facts of Salinas Grandes in Argentina

The Facts of Salinas Grandes in Argentina Overview: The region is of economic significance for its sodium and potassium. It is also being studied...

Chan Chan – The World’s Largest Adobe City

Chan Chan city is located near the Pacific coast in the Peruvian region of La Libertad, approximately five kilometers west of Trujillo. It was...

Atacama Desert – Unfriendly Arid Landscape on the Earth

Save for the wintry deserts at Earth’s poles; this stretch of northern Chile is the driest place on Earth. Hemmed between the magical snowcapped...

Temple of the Moon Machu Picchu – An Exploration of Hidden Gem

The Temple of the Moon Machu Picchu is a historical Incan site located in Peru. The temple features a unique combination of stone masonry...

Tupungato – One of Highest Mountain in South America

Tupungato is an Andean lava dome dating back to Pleistocene times, and the highest point in the South Americas. About 80 kilometers east of...

Graffiti Mesa – A Valley of Names in California

During World War II, soldiers training in the desert north of Yuma, Arizona, started decorating a site they called Graffiti Mesa a Valley of...

Nambe Falls: Breathtaking Waterfalls in New Mexico

Nambe Falls is a waterfall located near the village of Nambe, New Mexico, USA. It is situated in the Santa Fe National Forest and...

Poco Encantado – Made Through Erosion of Underground River

The Enchanted Well also called “Poco Encantado” located in Chapada Diamantina National Park in Bahia, Brazil. The Poco Encantado is approximately 400 kilometers inland...

Nevado Chachani – A Popular Climbing Destination

The Nevado Chachani is the highest of the mountains near the city of Arequipa in southern Peru. Due to low precipitation in the area,...