Could grains be the cause of many of today’s diseases, including tooth decay? The first wheat and barley were cultivated around 7,000 BC, about 9,000 years ago. Rice and corn followed 2,500 years later, in 4,500 BC. According to fossil records of humans, tooth decay did not exist before this time period.
There is evidence that teeth discovered from Pakistan dating back to 5,500 BC were drilled due to cavities. Average tooth decay rates have been increasing for 5,000 years. Native Americans have also been seen to have a higher rate of tooth decay because they switched from hunter-gatherers to corn-based diets. As a result of the cultivation of grains, civilization has evolved, expanding cities where large groups of people live together, such as in ancient Egypt.

By solving the logistical problem of feeding thousands of soldiers, grains also enabled large armies to be raised. A diet centered on white flour, refined sugar, and vegetable fats was found to be detrimental to native peoples’ health, teeth, and gums. Taking grain products in their whole form would reduce the risk of tooth decay, even according to Dr. Price. Whole grains are now promoted and embraced by the natural health community, as well as by the US Government and large food manufacturers.
A variety of diseases have been linked to whole grains in more than one hundred years of scientific research beyond fossil evidence. Further evidence of this is provided by the regularly received emails received from stressed-out healthy eaters wondering why their previously cavity-free children now have decayed teeth. Whole grains are the one clear answer that consistently proves to be correct.
The contemporary diet is largely comprised of grains, which constitute a very latest addition considering modern humans are about 200,000 years old. To digest grains, we must use our intelligence to ferment and then cook them before they can be predigested. Moreover, several diseases arise from the improper preparation of grains, including fermentation.
Edward Mellanby, the famous professor, and doctor, wrote that
“Oatmeal and grain embryos interfere most strongly” with the development of healthy teeth. He described the effects of grain germs on teeth as “baneful” and also found that dogs who consumed high-grain germ or embryo diets had nervous system problems, such as uncoordinated movements and leg weakness. The majority of cereals contain a toxic substance that can negatively affect the nervous system”.

According to Dr. Edward Mellanby.
A deficiency of niacin, lathyrism, immobility caused by bean toxins like a certain type of sweet pea, and pernicious anemia, a vitamin B 12 deficiency, all have been linked to grains and legumes. Animal liver is the most effective treatment for each of these diseases. By feeding whole grains to animals, each of these diseases can be produced in the laboratory under controlled conditions.