Our journey will conclude with Ikigai’s ten rules gathered from the wisdom of long-living residents of Ogimi that we have distilled from the wisdom of the natives of this land:
Don’t retire; stay active. Giving up what you enjoy and are good at can make you lose your purpose in life. So, even after your “official” professional activity has ended, you should continue to do things of value, make progress, help others, and shape the world around you.
Don’t rush. The quality of life is inversely proportional to being in a hurry. When we let go of urgency, life and time take on new meaning. It is said, “Walk slowly and you will go far.”
Don’t overfill your stomach. In terms of long life, eating less is also better. We should eat less than our hunger demands rather than stuffing ourselves in order to stay healthier longer, based on the 80 percent rule.
Make sure you surround yourself with good friends. There is no better medicine than friends; they are there to listen to your worries, share stories that brighten your day, give advice, have fun, and dream, in other words, live.
Don’t miss out on your next birthday if you get in shape. The best thing about water is that it moves; the best thing about it is that it flows fresh and doesn’t stagnate. In order to keep your body running smoothly for a long time, you must do a bit of maintenance on it every day. We feel happier when we exercise because it releases hormones that make us feel good about ourselves.
Make a smile. Making friends is easier when you have a cheerful attitude. In a world so full of possibilities, it is a privilege to live in the here and now. Recognizing what isn’t so great is important, but we should never forget the great things we do have.
Get back in touch with the natural world. Human beings are made to be part of nature, even though most of the world’s population lives in cities these days. Our batteries should be recharged often by returning to them in order to keep ourselves healthy.
Be thankful for what you have. I would like to dedicate this message to my ancestors, to nature, which provides me with the air I breathe and the food I eat, to my family and friends, and to everything in the world that brightens my days and makes me feel fortunate to still be alive. Give thanks every day, and your happiness stockpile will continue to grow over time as you spend a moment each day giving thanks.
Don’t miss a moment. The past should not be regretted and the future should not be feared. There is only one day left in your life. Don’t let it pass you by. Give it a memorable feel.
Make sure you follow your ikigai. Involved in each of us are passions, and talents, which give meaning to our days and make us want to share the best of ourselves till the day we die.
According to Viktor Frankl, your mission is to discover what your ikigai is if you do not know what that is yet. By following up Ikigai’s Ten Rules you will live a longer life, which is the desire of everyone.