Last Words of Famous Peoples – Death is a bitter reality that man cannot deny even if he wants to. There is no set time for it, but death is real. But maybe the deceased get inspired before he dies or he naturally starts saying things that his family, acquaintances, loved ones, friends, or if he is a well-known person then his fans. For any advice or few words is used as a tool.
Tell them the right way to live or become a lesson for them. The last words of famous people are important not only for their families but also for their fans. His admirers are curious to know what were the last moments of his life, what did he say, what was last message? In the article under review, belonging to different walks of life.
Last Words of Famous Peoples
Dr. Lieutenant Colonel Elahi Baksh, Principal of King Edward Medical College Lahore. He was a special Physician of Quaid-e-Azam the Founder of Pakistan. He wrote in his book, with the Quaid-i-Azam during his last days, he wrote about the last words of the Quaid, that on September 11, 1948, at 1:15 a.m., the Quaid’s pulse weakened and began to move irregularly and on all parts of the body. I started sweating a little. After administering Coram in (Vaccine of Power), the physician addressed the Quaid-e-Azam, “We have given this vaccine of strength, by the grace of Allah Almighty, it will take effect soon and you will feel better.” In response, the Quaid-e-Azam barely said “I am no more” half an hour before his death. These were his last words before he died. After that, he felt weak and slept for half an hour. Later he passed away. According to physician Dr. Riaz Ali Shah, the last words of the Quaid were “Allah Pakistan”. According to Ms. Fatima Jinnah, the last words in a weak voice were: It should be noted that in the last moments of Quaid-e-Azam, he had five people.
Allama Iqbal, the poet of the East, passed away after a long illness. Regarding his last days, the narrators have quoted the statement of Ali Bakhsh, a long-time servant of Iqbal, according to which Allama Iqbal got chest pain in the morning. Ali Bakhsh supported Iqbal, “Allah! It hurts here” Saying this, Iqbal’s head tilted back and the rising star of the east sank at dawn.
Pakistan’s first Prime Minister Quaid-e-Millat Liaquat Ali Khan was shot dead during a rally in Rawalpindi on October 16, 1951, and according to various reports, the words “May Allah protect Pakistan” were on his lips.
According to an English newspaper report, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was asked to write a will before his execution, to which he replied in a low voice, “I tried but my thoughts were very diffused.”So I couldn’t do that and burned the papers,” were his last words. After that, he remained silent until the execution. While some analysts said that when Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto was being taken from jail to Takht-e-Dar, he said in a very low voice, “I am sorry for my county, he will be left alone without its leader.” The words were played. Since he was in a very low voice, only the officer who was near his stretcher heard the sentence and understood that Bhutto was telling his wife that she would be left alone. After reaching the gallows, he was asked, “Will he be able to climb the gallows himself?” He climbed the ladder with great confidence. Reaching the last stage, he kicked his foot hard as if to see if it was really board or part of a play. Then Tara Masih covered their faces and tied a rope around their necks. The hanging lever had not yet been pulled when he almost shouted “Finish”. These were the last words that came out of his mouth. It was five minutes past two. The superintendent gestured and the gallows lever was dropped, the planks fell down and Pakistan’s great leader fell into an 11 feet deep pit.
After fighting the enemy for six consecutive days during the war of 1965, Colonel Qureshi summoned Major Aziz Bhatti to the headquarters under the pretext of resting for a while. When it was revealed to Maj. Aziz Bhatti that he had been summoned not for a conference but to rest, he said to Colonel Qureshi, “Sir, for the feeling and spirit with which you have called me, Thank you but believe me comfort is on the front line. If I am called back from the front, it will be a spiritual torment for me. I am proud that my men, with their strength of faith and determination, have stopped the invasion of the enemy in spite of its many times more army and innumerable weapons, and have defeated it in every encounter. It is inconceivable for me to leave my men at the front and sit here to rest. I will not go to the front lines, but protect the homeland
A few months before the fall of Dhaka, on August 20, 1971, when Flight Lieutenant Mittal-ur-Rehman from Bengal tried to hijack the training plane of Shaheed Rashid Minhas. But Shaheed Rashid Minhas thwarted the nefarious intentions of the enemy and was martyred. During the training, Lieutenant Mittal-ur-Rehman, anesthetize Rashid Minhas and takes his plane to enemy territory. But 40 miles from the Pakistani border, Rashid Minhas regained consciousness and took control of the plane. He contacted the control room and informed her that “I am being abducted.” These were the last words of Shaheed Rashid Minhas, which were recorded in the control room. After this, he shot down a plane in the Thatta area of Sindh at a distance of 32 miles from the Pakistani border.
Maryam Mukhtar, who was martyred on November 24, 2015, was the first female fighter pilot in Pakistan to be martyred. “When a pilot embraces martyrdom for the sake of protecting his country, you will find his ashes, not his ashes.”
The name of Chaudhry Aslam, who joined the police force as an Assistant Sub-Inspector in 1984. After 30 years of service in the city police, SP Chaudhry Aslam has won the hearts of many and is hated by some. He was the ideal symbol of most citizens; they were a source of security, and for some they were a constant source of terror. The conflict remained an important part of their lives, but even these things did not prevent them from responding to criminals. From the Karachi operation in the 1990s to the assassination of Abdul Rehman Baloch alias Rehman Dakit in 2009, several days of operations against gang war criminals in Lyari in April 2012, just hours before his death, wanted terrorists in Manghopir. Until he was killed, SP Khan was known in the media, police officials, and political parties by cab references. IG Sindh Shahid Nadeem Baloch after a successful operation to arrest members of the banned outfit, One of the city’s most dangerous officers, SP Khan was the head of the anti-extremism cell of the Sindh Police Investigation Department (CID). He had to pay the price for his ambitions many times in his professional career. A car bomb exploded at his home in 2011, but he and his family survived. But on January 9, 2014, while passing through Lyari Express, his car was attacked again, as a result of which Chaudhry Aslam, who was considered a symbol of fear, was killed. It is difficult to say with certainty about his last words, but according to his wife, Chaudhry Aslam was saying the same thing over and over again in his last conversation, “I am about to be martyred.” I had to pay the price many times for my full intentions.
Home Affairs expert and renowned chef Zubeida Tariq alias Zubeida Apa passed away on January 4, 2018, after a long illness. A few days before his death, a video made for his fans went viral, in which he wished the people of Karachi a Happy New Year and urged them to keep the city clean and tidy, saying, “Keep Karachi as clean as possible.” So that visitors come to say how beautiful Karachi is, we also need to focus on education and fix government schools so that every child can get an education. ”He said that I wish 2018 to be so beautiful that all our problems get away.
The father of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, asked before going into a coma, “What time is it?”
Sir Charles Spencer or Charlie Chaplin, the British comedian, and director of silent film comedy died on Christmas Day 1977. The pastor, who was sitting near his deathbed, encouraged him and said, “May God has mercy on your soul,” to which the comedian replied, “Why not, his soul belongs to him.” These were his last words.
Karl Marx, who shaped communism in a scientific way, said this last sentence in response to a question from his domestic servant, “Get out of here, the last words are said by fools who have not been able to fulfill their word for life.
Lady Nancy Oster, Britain’s first Member of Parliament, said when she saw a crowd of loved ones around her bed, “Am I going to die, or is it my birthday today?”
Saddam Hussein ruled Iraq for two decades. His government was overthrown in 2003 and he was arrested. In 2006, he was sentenced to death at the age of 69. He apologized at the last minute and expressed no regrets. After climbing the plank, he recited the Kalima Tayyaba in the last moments of his life and said, “I swear that there is no god but Allah and Muhammad … His last words could not be completed, after which he was calm till his last breath.
Alexander Graham Bell’s deaf wife said in his ear at the last moment, “Are you leaving me?” So Graham Bell shouted “No!” And died.
The last words of the current Neapolitan Bonaparte, the ruler of France, were “France, the army, Josephine.”
Servant Churchill was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom during World War II. He won the Nobel Prize in Literature. So, he died at the age of 90 on January 24, 1965. He was in a coma for nine days before his death. Before going into a coma, he said, “I’m so tired of them all now.” He died after a long coma.
The name of Steve Jobs, co-founder, and CEO of a leading company of computers and cell phones. Advanced technology is not new to anyone, especially to those interested in technology. He revolutionized the world of personal computers with the introduction of the Macintosh, as well as the iPad and iPhone. He died in 2011 at the age of 56 from pancreatic cancer. Mona, the sister of Steve Jobs, recalls her brother at his funeral prayers, saying that Steve once said of death in his sick days, “This is the best invention of life.” About his last words, he said, “He left the world with a sense of wonder. No one knows what those feelings were. He was rejoicing, leaving the world on his tongue.” Wow, wow, wow.
When Alexander the Great was asked on his deathbed, “Who will be made king after you?”, He said, “to the most powerful.” These were his last words.
Charles Darwin, famous for his theory of evolution, was saying at the last moment, “I am not the last person in the world to fear death.”
When the Romans captured the Greek city of Sys, the army was specifically ordered to arrest the famous Greek mathematician, physicist, and inventor Archimedes alive. The soldiers managed to reach Archimedes; they saw that Archimedes was making some circles on the ground. The soldiers forced Archimedes to go with them, in response to which Archimedes began to say, “Do not spoil my circle!” At this, a Roman soldier became angry and killed him.
Gautama Buddha’s last words were, “Monk!”Remember, all-composite material things will perish. Struggle diligently and hard.”
Jack Daniels Founder of Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey Distillery, one of America’s leading breweries, had the last words: “Another drink … please!”
Bob Marley’s last words of this Jamaican singer “Life cannot be bought with a friend” are definitely impressive.
Charles Dickens was a prominent British writer. Love of nature and its imagery was the main theme of his speech. It is well known that when the work of laying railroads began in Britain, Dickens did not like to have iron rails on the ground, which became an example of his love for the land. See coincidence. Charles Dickens had a heart attack while walking near his home. He said to his supporters, “Lie on the ground, on the ground,” and as he said this, the great poet departed from the world.
The inventions of the famous scientist Thomas Edison have had a profound effect on human life in the 21st century. When the well-known grandfather was on his deathbed, the window in front of him was open. He left the world saying, “How beautiful she is there.” Was pointing to the beauty of the scene or to life after death.
Paul Walker came out at the end of a party, and said before getting in the car, “We’re just coming back in five minutes.” After which his car was caught in a strong wind and crashed, as a result of which he was seriously injured and succumbed to his injuries.
Benjamin Franklin is one of the founders of the United States. He is known by many names, including an inventor, physicist, politician, diplomat, and journalist. In his last days, he told a painful truth, when his daughter asked him to change his crotch, so that the difficulty in breathing would go away, Franklin said, “A dying man is someone. It can’t work easily either.
According to the famous singer Michael Jackson’s doctor “Ka Narad Murray”, Jackson was saying “Moore Malik” before his death, these were his last words. The doctor said that Michael Jackson had given the nickname Malik or milk to the anesthetic.
Sigmund Freud, the founder of a well-known psychologist and analytical psychologist, said in the last moments of his life, “What is a revelation is a revelation?” He was referring to the agony of death.
Shortly before his assassination, Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi told security officials, “Don’t worry, relax …” Shortly after these words were uttered, he was killed in a suicide attack.
Elvis Presley, known as the King of Rock n Roll, was undoubtedly the most popular singer of his era. He died on August 16, 1977, at the age of 42. At the last minute he said, “Well, I don’t”
The last words of the famous Spanish artist Picasso were, “Palau”.
Hugo Chavez, Venezuela’s president from 1999 to 2013, died at the age of 59. His last words before he died were “I don’t want to die, please don’t let me die, save me from dying”.
Well, known playwright George Bernardshah said his last words on his deathbed: “It is easy to die but difficult to write humor.”
George Washington, the first president of the United States who led the military in the American Revolution, died in 1799 at the age of 67. The history books state that George Washington was seriously ill and knew he would not survive. He told his secretary, Tobias Lear, “I am leaving now. I should be buried with dignity and my body should not be buried for more than three days after my death. Do you understand that my death is painful?” But I’m not sad to go.
Edgar Pollen is one of the most popular American writers of the 19th century. He lived only 40 years. His last words were “God help my soul”.
Mao Zedong, the founder of the People’s Republic of China, said in a dying voice, “I feel sick, call a doctor”.
The famous tourist Marr ended his polo career by saying, “I haven’t even described half of what I saw.”
Social worker Mother Teresa’s last words were “Christ I love you, Christ I love you”.
Standing next to the famous French libertarian writer Voltaire, the pastor was urging him to curse the devil. This is not the time to make new enemies.
The last words of Bobby Fisher, the world chess champion from 1972 to 1975, were, “Nothing is more effective in reducing pain than human touch.
Martin Luther King, Jr., a black civil rights activist in the United States, was shot dead in April 1968. At the last minute, he said, “Make sure you play, hold my hand, and play great.”
The famous Russian novelist Leon Tolstoy’s last words were “Kisro! How does a farmer die?
Lady Diana was the first wife of British Prince Charles. Apart from being the Princess of Wales, she is also known for her social and philanthropic work. After a breakup between Princess Diana and Charles on August 31, 1997, while she was in Paris, her car was chased by a paparazzi photographer. The car crashed at high speed. The firefighter, who was the first to arrive at the scene, said that at the last minute when he was gasping for breath, he shouted, “My God! My God!” What happened? ”She said and went to her death.
Fans of “Batman” will never forget the Joker of “The Dark Knight”, played by Heath Ledger. Talking to his sister on the phone before committing suicide, he said, “Katie, Katie, look, everything is fine, you know, I just need some sleep.” After that, he slept so soundly that he could not get up again.
The ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, the father of Western philosophy, said the last words to his disciples before drinking a cup of poison, “Crito! We must sacrifice a rooster for the sake of Aeschylus, look! Don’t forget that Aeschylus was the name of the Greek god of healing and salvation. It seems from these words that Socrates considered the imprisonment of the soul in the body as life and interpreted death as the salvation and liberation of the soul, as soon as he made a will to sacrifice the demon of salvation to give thanks for his death.
When it comes to philosophy and thought, there are a few names that come to mind. One of these names is Aristotle. His last words reveal his observations and way of thinking. He finally said, “Nature has made nothing useless”.
Isaac Newton, the genius scientist who meditated on this universe, is unforgettable, but he describes his entire struggle at the last minute in these words: “I don’t know about the world. But what happened, I saw the world like a boy playing on the beach, in front of which there was a sea of truth and he kept looking for shores and beautiful rocks.
Steve Irwin was a wildlife expert. According to his cameraman, the fearless crocodile hunter, or Steve, who was crouching with crocodiles, was preparing a segment for his daughter’s show before he died, and at that moment, he was stabbed in the chest by a Stingray fish hook. Said, “I’m dying” and then died.
Wolfgang Mozart was a famous and influential classical musician of ancient times. He died in 1791 at the age of 35 after a short illness. Therefore, he was completely unconscious two hours before his death. He said consciously, “The taste of death is on my lips, what I feel is not of this earth.” These were his last words.

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