Ginkgo or Maidenhair Tree Benefits: the long history of Ginkgo biloba shows it is one of the favorite trees. Ginkgo is a slow-growing large perennial tree that can live to a hardy old age. Ginkgo biloba trees grow to heights of 30 meters (98 ft) with trunk diameters of up to 3 meters (9.8 ft). It is also known as Maidenhair Tree.
Some Chinese species’ heights were observed over 50 meters. The ginkgo tree has an angular crown and long, to some extent erratic branches, and is more often than not deep-rooted and defiant to wind and snow damage. The leaves are long, narrow, and usually golden-yellow in color, with a distinctive fan-shaped margin.
It is the sole survivor of the oldest known tree genus, Ginkgoaceae, which dates back over two hundred million years. And possibly its status as a veritable living fossil account for its unusual ability to assist with memory and recall. Ginkgo serves as a “brain food” and is an immense memory aid. It also enhances vitality and improves circulation. It is highly suggested ginkgo as a regular tonic herb for anyone experiencing memory loss or “brain fatigue.”
In modern studies, it has been shown to halt the progression of Alzheimer’s when administered in therapeutic dosages (i.e., standardized extracts) over a period of time. Ginkgo must be used with consistency for more than a few weeks before you will become aware of its benefits. An antioxidant, that keeps your memory sharp, has been shown that ginkgo improves blood circulation by opening up blood vessels and making blood less sticky and cognitive speed.
There are several recommended uses. Therefore, use the standardized capsules or extracts when treating memory loss or early-onset Alzheimer’s disease. To make stronger the brain and circulation, in broad, ginkgo is effectual as tea, a tincture, or capsules. Also, it had a positive effect on all four phases of the sexual response cycle that is excitement, (lubrication and erection) desire, orgasm, and resolution.
Prudence: Because of its effects on the blood and circulatory system, ginkgo should be discontinued for two weeks before and after surgery. Though it’s not generally a problem in such cases, it’s better to err on the side of caution. Nonetheless, when Ginkgo biloba took 30 to 60 minutes before bed, its supplements have been shown to lessen stress and improve relaxation.
Parts Used: Normally its major parts are used leaves and fruit.
Side Effects: Ginkgo biloba sometimes kicks in the side effects, which include nausea, allergic skin reactions, muscle weakness, diarrhea, headaches, digestive problems, and dizziness.